13 - The Invite

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"I can't believe how fast time flies. We came here just a few hours back and now it's evening already..." Daniel said as he held my hands and I nodded with a smile. His brother, Justin, now 12, was now Joe's one of the best friends as the two still kept play fighting as a team against Andy and Alex.

We all came out to our garden area while John, Logan, and Jack were still playing video games with Leo inside the house. It was almost a regular routine for Daniel, Justin, and Leo to come and visit us on Sundays.

Usually, I would be so eagerly waiting for these days, but not today. I was still troubled with the secrets being hidden by everyone. But the next moment I got a quick peck on my cheek and looked at Daniel who was still scanning around to check for anyone looking.

I chuckled at that, "Daniel, you are still scared to kiss me in front of my family?"

To that Daniel sheepishly answered, "Not your family, but just Logan and sometimes Jack too. Seriously, I still find it hard to believe that they have accepted me. But their angry look, I swear it still gives me chills."

And I laughed hard to that. Daniel instantly cupped my cheeks in his hands, "I was waiting for your wholehearted smile and laughter which were missing today all day long. Can't you forgive me for what I did last night? Please..."

-"There is nothing to forgive, Daniel. You all tested me and I failed."

-"I know how you feel and trust me, I hate myself for making you go through all that. I used to be so weak, vulnerable and scared of everyone when I was a kid, and on top of that my dad left me all alone to deal with everyone. I learned my ways the hard way, Ria, without anyone to help me out or show confidence in me. But you have me and your brothers for that. And I want you to be as strong as you can be. And no matter what, I will always love you. And since we are not allowed outside after evenings, can I take you on a date tomorrow at school, during the lunch hours? I know it's silly but I wanna make all our time together special."

To that, I hugged him back. I pulled back only for my reluctant words to come out, "I would love to, but... I kinda need to see Ray tomorrow at school during that time." Daniel shook his head but I held his sleeves, "I know you don't like him, but please... please Daniel?"

-"Yeah, I don't like him. But I hate to say no to you either. But we will go on a date the next day."

-"I promise!" I exclaimed and hugged him back.

-"You don't know how much you turn me on every time you hug me so happily."

"Guys, I won the game! Yoohoo!" Logan came out of the house all excited followed by smiling Leo and frowning Jack and John.

"And... it's gone." Daniel sighed and pushed me away and I couldn't stop giggling.

"Daniel, Justin, you guys are leaving? Wanna stay for a game?" Leo asked.

-"Thanks, Leo. But no. We need to leave. Mom would be waiting for us." Daniel replied while ruffling Justin's hair.

"Logan, Jack, Justin wanted me to have a sleepover at their place. Can I?" Joe made a puppy face and Logan nodded with a smile and both Joe and Justin started jumping in joy.

"Ahem... Logan, Jack... Daniel too wanted me to have a sleepover at their place. Can I..." I too made a puppy face and Logan rolled his eyes to me and then at Daniel.

"What? Logan, I-I never said that!" Daniel was blabbering like a frightened kid.

"I know that, buddy. And nice try, Ria. Inside, now!" Jack said with a smiling but stern face.

Survival Under Protection - Book Two (Sequel)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant