40 - A Tougher World

132 10 6

RECAP (Chap - List of Losses):

Ethan gasped in shocked, and I(Evelyn) added, "I gave away myself, my whole self to Liam, James, and Lucas just in hope to hear where you were when you left without any notice." Ethan looked distressed and stepped towards me but I was in no mood to say anymore words and headed to the door myself to get out..

"Evelyn... please wait. Please...you need to talk to me, Evelyn..." I heard Ethan cry and I went forward and opened the door. I hurriedly put a step forward but the next moment my foot froze.

"Evelyn? Why are you in Libby's room with closed doors? Is there a boy inside?" Zane called out and I gulped down in fear.

And NOW...

SEDONA (Derrick's place)


Zane was still waiting for me to answer, while his facial express was clearly fighting with his impatience. I gulped down my throat, which felt completely dry now. Flashes of Zane's violence, just a week back, made me crumble for my life.

"Evy, what's wrong?" Zane placed his hands over my shoulders and I shuddered at his touch.

-"Zane, I umm..." I spoke but stopped midway, having no clue what to answer him. Because the truth would have instantly killed Ethan as well as me.

"Eve, you look so pale. Your eyes are all watery. Did this boy try to hurt you?" Zane raised his hand towards Ethan and my reflex, knowing my brother for past 15 years, made me flinch.

And something happened that was very, very rare in the last 15 years... Zane placed his right hand on my cheek with utmost care.

That's when I realized that Zane was not mad at me. Rather, it was a concern, an expression that my brothers had rarely shown for me all my life.

Zane caressed my cheek with his left hand, while his right one was still bandaged. It reminded me Bolt's words on how Zane burnt his hand himself as a punishment for assaulting me, just a week back.

Even though his hands were gentle, I tried to control my reflexes which were ready to make me flinch.

Zane cooed to me, "I am sorry that I hurt you so much that night. And I was so mad at myself for that, that I burned my hands under boiling water. I care about you so much, Evy. You can tell me if someone caused you any trouble."

"No, no, Zane. I am fine. I-I just was packing some of my stuffs from Libby's room." I blurted out while sounding as casual as possible. A third person would have thought that what a caring brother I had. But only I knew, the kind of monster he could turn into, at any moment.

"Ok, you were packing your stuff. But why is this boy in the room? Huh?" Zane's voice with a hint of anger made me gulp. My thoughts were still racing against each other to get the perfect excuse that could sound genuine, while Zane eyes were still bored onto mine.

I hung my head down to avoid his eye contact when Zane walked past me and stood tall in front of Ethan. It was definitely not a good sign.

Zane put his hands in his pocket, "You, your name is Ethan, right? I know how you have helped in tracing my sister from Rincón orphanage and how you are the most trusted person for Sir Brook and David."

He placed his hand over Ethan's shoulder and I could feel Ethan shudder a little, as Zane continued, "I have heard Sir Brook that he adores you, just like he used to adore and love my father when he was just a teenager. And he has plans to share a part of his riches and his empire to you in his will."

Survival Under Protection - Book Two (Sequel)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن