33 - Death Bed

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"Jack, are you hurt?" I asked and the very moment I saw a large, blood-stained knife shoved through his chest, "Oh, God! Jack!" I supported his head on my lap as I cried out loud.

"Take-take my car and drive away, Ree." Jack managed to speak and within a few seconds, his body stopped moving and so did my world.

And NOW...


"No no, No, Jack! You cannot die on me! No!" I rigorously shook his body but Jack was showing no signs of movement.

I was shaking inside and had sweats too on my forehead, just like Jack had when he found me just 5 minutes back.

"I am sorry, Jack! I take back every word of mine! I love you the most! I am sorry for hurting you. Please come back!" I cried out while I took Jack's wrist in my hand to feel his pulse. There were distant but faint pulses but that was enough to load me with hope.

"Don't worry, Jack, you have me!" I said out loud and picked up Jack's phone and dialed Logan's number, but his phone was unreachable! I dialed John's number but he didn't pick up his phone! Why did all the worst things have to happen tonight?

I quickly dialed 911, waited impatiently till I got an operator, explained to them everything that took place, and even guided them to my current location. But she said it would take the Police a minimum of 40 minutes to arrive.

"It would be too late!" I cried out.

But the operator refused to listen, "Then why don't you drive your brother to the nearest hospital yourself? Look, miss, I know how the teenagers like you who do nothing but waste our time! So either wait for 40 minutes or help your imaginary brother, yourself! But stop wasting my time!"

"Are you crazy? I am not joking! I really need help here!" I shouted out but the call got disconnected and froze in horror.

"I am not able to reach anyone, neither getting any help! What shall I do, Jack?" I sobbed but immediately I wiped away my tears. I could not afford to be weak right now. I ran to the car and opened up the back door.

I ran back to Jack, took off the jacket he gave me, and wrapped it on him. I did not touch the knife though else he would lose a lot of blood.

"God, please bless with all your strength" I whispered and started dragging Jack by his legs. But he was too heavy and the ground was rough! It would have scratched Jack's body, badly.

I took off my leather jacket too, tilted Jack's body a little, and spread my jacket beneath his back. I took off my scarf and slipped it beneath Jack's head. I prayed to God one more time and dragged Jack's body. It was easier this time.

The cold wind was giving me chills and my thin cotton t-shirt did not help in stopping my teeth to chatter. But I held on to my strong will. Jack would not survive without it.

With great difficulty, I pulled up Jack on the back seat. I don't think I would have been able to do that, had I not had wounded Jack in front of my eyes.

I ran to the driver's seat. I was never a fan of driving, and I thanked Alex right now to teach me that forcefully over the last 6 months. I had fresh tears again when I realized how much I loved my brothers.

Was I really a fool to leave them?

I wiped away my tears and started the engine when I looked back at Jack one more time and drove back, to Beaufort. I had no idea about the hospitals in Rincon. I left a message to Sally describing my ordeal. I could not afford to waste any more time.

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