21 - The Name

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RECAP -- Beaufort

I pushed Alex away and tried to get outside from the other end, but John and Jack slipped inside the car blocking my way out. I pleaded to them one more time but nothing affected Jack, "Stop fighting if you want Daniel still walking."

Alex pulled me in his hug, wiped away my tears, and whispered to me to stop crying. I did, I knew I could not win against my brothers.

The car engine started, I saw helplessness in eyes of Andy, Joe, and Daniel, just like mine. The car started, and I saw our house and them moving backward. Logan and got into his car along with Adam's guards and followed us.

"Let's proceed to the Den," Adam said and I realized that my ominous night had not ended yet.


"The slaps won't stop until you shut your mouth, Evelyn!" Zane growled and his last hit was so powerful that even his own hand couldn't keep me up.

I fell on the ground and didn't even try to get up. My legs could no longer take my weight and I lied lifeless on the ground and I pressed my hands on my mouth to stop my yelps.

That stopped Zane, "just like this I want your every complaint, every demand to stop. Get ready for the engagement and the marriage. And if you complain, " Zane lowered down to me and I tried moving away but had no strength left in me, "you know what will happen to you."

Zane walked away and slowly I could see only darkness around. I felt someone running to me and lifting me up in their arms, "hold on, Eve, I am here!"

And that was the last thing I heard.

And NOW .... Happy Reading !!

SEDONA (Brook's place)

Bolt's POV:

The guards bowed to us as Sam and I crossed the main gate, showing our Tiger sign on our hands. As always, it was enough in all of Sedona. It was 3 in the morning now and whom am I kidding, I was shit scared to face sir Brook in the middle of the night. Moreover, he loved his son, David and we had no idea how we could accompany him to Beaufort.

We stepped inside as the main guard opened the door for us. It's been a month since we visited here last for a party thrown for Nash, the son of Sir Brook's deceased brother. The entire house was lightened and decorated that day.

But today it looked gloomy, something darker than the darkness.

Was it just my imagination?

I realized it was not when I heard Sam, "Why does the house look so dead today?"

"Let's meet sir Brook and find out," I said and we proceeded towards sir Brook's room.

There were guards outside his room and I heard noises from inside the room and within seconds the door opened and David stormed out of the room without even acknowledging us.

"David, come back here. Listen to me, I said!" Sir Brook came out distressed and angry, but more than that tired... lost somewhere.

"Sir Brook..." I called out. He looked up and hurried to me, "Oh thank God, you guys are here! Bolt and Sam, please stop David. He is going out of his mind!"

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