24 - Black Room

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Recap: Beaufort

"What the fuck you are talking about, Daniel? Where are you and where did Ria go?" I shrieked.

-"John, we are locked inside the room while Ria went to the interior Den... she is trapped in the Darker Den now... Hello... hello? John!"

For the first time in years, I felt my hands shivering like a leaf and felt my throat all dry.

I was feeling difficulty in breathing as I rushed to the board room and I saw Logan, Jack opening the door and coming out smiling and they saw my horrified face.

And NOW...


Ria's POV:

15 minutes back I could not stop dancing in joy and whispering loudly to myself, "I did it... I did it... I really did it!"

15 minutes back I could not stop congratulating myself on fooling three big boys... Alex, Andy, and Daniel into believing that I was unconscious due to my periods and snatched the remote when they were going frantic about my wellbeing.

With the remote, I was able to open the room's door as well as the outside door. And thankfully the remote broke into pieces when Alex pounded on me and the remote. I was lucky and quick enough to storm out of the doors. But the boys failed to cross the jail-room's door before the automatic door slid to close, making them the new prisoners!

15 minutes back I could not stop praising myself for how I ignored the relentless pleas, commands, and threats of the three boys to return back to them.

Instead, I chose the corner most door after I was able to come out of my jail room. It would be a stupid decision if I chose the route that Jack got me through to escape. The guards would have easily caught and handed me back to my brothers.

Also, I was smart enough to secretly add a small bottle of water and two muffins in my tiny bag-pack while the twins were busy having their dinner. I had planned to have a small celebration with those once I was out of the Den.

And 15 minutes back, I even made plans of not only escaping from this so-called Den but also escaping from Beaufort and leave for Manhattan. I was sure my brothers hid everything they did to me from our parents. And the twins and Daniel were calling me back just to save their asses from Logan and Jack.

But all those were 15 minutes back. And it took me just 15 minutes to realize that I had stepped into hell.

Right now, I had my hands pressed hard on my nose and my mouth, suffocating myself to prevent uttering any sound and also to prevent myself from puking because of the strong metallic smell of blood.

The strong metallic smell came from the unconscious bodies of six men lying just inches away from me.

As soon as I was freed from my jail-room and entered the unknown door, I tip-toed and kept on running straight between the small space of the large shelves having big closed boxes, God-knows containing what, on my left and unusually black colored walls on my right.

The shelves containing the big boxes were twice my height and had small gaps between every layer of boxes.

And through those gaps, I could see men walking around, talking to each other, some even had guns. But luckily those gaps were narrow enough and I was seen by none. I was hidden by the low lights too, hanging from the black-colored ceiling. I had never seen a black-colored ceiling before. Maybe that's why they call it a Den.

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