18 - Cold and Warm

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"You heard me right, Ria! I won't hesitate to inform Logan about your unknown friend." Daniel sounded firm and I was double mad. I unlocked the car door and rushed outside.

"Ria... Ria! Where are you going? Ria wait!" Daniel came swiftly, blocking my path.

"Leave my way, Daniel. I said move away!" I shouted back.

"I-I am sorry if I hurt you, lil Ree." Daniel said softly, holding his own ears.

"Don't use that name for me!" I backfired, "Only my brothers are allowed to call me that. But you know what, you are turning quite like them nowadays. I was a fool, just a big idiot to spend my first earning on you, not my parents, not my brothers, not Sally, not on my makeup or dress, but YOU!" I shouted and pushed Daniel back, "And instead of being happy, or hugging me or congratulating me, you are bossing me around, even threatening me! I think I should leave!"

I started walking but Daniel held my hand, brought me closer, and hugged me, "You are not stupid, you are not a fool, but I am! And congratulations on your first income."

I snorted in anger and Daniel moved backward. He placed his hands on my shoulder, "I knew I am special to you, but boy... you moved me, Ria. And the normal girls you compared with yourself, they don't stand even a chance to compete around for being the best girlfriend."

I was mad but I am a teenager too and those words melted away all my anger and I smiled and hugged and Daniel back and then heard him..., "But......"

-"But what, Dan? You don't trust me?"

-"Unfortunately, that's true. I don't mean I don't trust you. I do... but not the circumstances and scary people who go to any extent for their desire."

Daniel's words reminded me of Gino. He was now in hospital for more than a year, still in a coma. But the terrible memories he gave still haunt me in my dreams.

Daniel shifted down to my height, "Ria, sorry if I reminded you of Gino, but I cannot afford to forget about him. I always hated him but never chose to openly talk about him. Even you did the same mistake. He went away threatening you, harassing you, and you never spoke about him and that decision protected him and that led to a disastrous past."

"Yes, that's past and it's over. Now is present and I want to lead my life on my terms." I said firmly.

"Of course and I support you and... I want the future to be even more beautiful and risk-free. So I beg you, Ria. Please tell me who are you talking to and who gave you that 100 dollars!" Daniel requested me but I swayed my head in disagreement.

"Ria, I am thrilled to know that you are earning, but I just want to know who you are dealing with and if they are safe to work with. You are right, I am not putting this off. But I assure you, this will be between you and me only." Daniel promised and I looked at him hesitantly.




"Alex and Andy come here often for hang-outs and studies. And I am very happy, Ria that you came here for the first time with your friend came to meet Ray." Ray's elder sister, Kate welcomed us to her home.

"Pleasure meeting you, Kate. I am Daniel, not Ria's friend but her boyfriend." Daniel cooed with his arm around me and I gave him deathly glares.

I loved Daniel for 100 different things but his over-possessiveness was motivating me on punching him right now.

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