7 - A blooming love

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Tears rolled down off Libby's eyes as she found the bloodstains on Derrick's body and she ran inside only to find Rosy lying unconscious on her own pool of blood. But Libby felt nauseous when she saw Rosy's right hand profusely bleeding and a missing index finger. Libby couldn't believe her eyes until she saw a chopped finger lying beside Rosy.

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7 days later

"Zane, would you be a good boy and help me change the clothes of our little Reid?" Libby chirped to liven up quiet Zane. Zane uninterested but still got up of this little chair and walked to Libby and helped her bring fresh clothes for the infant.

-"Thank you, Zane. Now let's have our lunch and then I will help you with your nap, ok?"

-"Libby, where has dad gone?"

-"Dad? Umm as you know he is a very busy man, he is out for work, but when he returns, he will come back with lots of cool toys for you and your brother!"

-"Nah, I know he won't. Rather he will ask me to run all day outside and train with Bolt and Sam... Libby, why is mom still not coming out of her room? Seven days back you said that she is in hospital. But she returned three days ago and hasn't come out of her room since then. Is she angry with me?"

Libby's heart ached to see the little Zane in pain, missing his parents, and hugged him instantly, "Oh no! Not at all Zane. Your mommy loves you the most. In fact, you are the reason that she is still-"

Libby held back her words and her tears and managed to console little Zane anyways as she helped her finish his lunch and put her to sleep.

But as soon as she came out of the kids' room, she found Sean at the door, "Libby, did Rosy ate her food?" There was both hope and pain in his voice. Like Bolt and Sam, he was furious and devastated to find Rosy soaked in her own blood. But unlike his friends, Sean was the only one who raised his voice, in fact, blasted off Derrick with a cold sharp and humiliating voice.

And Sean was the one who carried Rosy in his arms and rushed to the nearest hospital and didn't even take a minute nap the entire night. Libby thought of Derrick, Bolt and Sam as deceivers to Rosy, but she really respected Sean as only she was a true friend to Rosy and, on some grounds, even to Libby.

"Thankfully yes, Sean." Libby answered, "I forced her to have an apple today, her favorite, and her medicines. But she is still not talking, not moving and... not living, Sean. And I am really worried about Zane now. He is missing his mother now. And his father. Is master back?"

Sean sighed as he scratched his temple, "No, Libby. We are still searching for Derrick with all our manpower and yet cannot get a clue of him. I am worried about his safety now and may need sir Brook's help to find Derrick. But don't you worry about Zane. I will take him out for a trip tomorrow. But Libby, I must say, you are doing a great job with Rosy and with the kids." Sean said and for the first time, placed a soft and sweet kiss on Libby's cheek and went inside the kid's room.

Libby was awestruck for the next few seconds but then for the first time in years, she blushed.

3 days later

"Sam, Bolt we need to go out of territories of Sedona to find Derrick. It's 10 days now and we cannot just keep searching for him only in Sedona." Sean was anxious enough when he spoke, smoking the 7th cigarette the same day. All three of them were in the living room, in the middle of the night. As the days went by with Derrick, the nights were sleepless for his three best friends.

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