8 - Rise of the Omen

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"Rex, have you seen the kids? I can't find them in their room." Libby asked one of the guards and he answered, "Yeah, I saw them playing in the park with the new puppy that Derrick got them."

Libby thanked him and proceeded towards the park. Though Rosy took good care of them, Libby was like a second mother to them and right now she wanted to check if the boys were done with their lunch. But instantly she heard three-year-old Ried crying and she rushed outside. When asked, Ried told that the puppy scratched his legs when he wanted to play with him.

"That's ok, Ried. He too is a baby like you. You just need to be patient to him." Libby cooed to the distressed Ried

"Libby, are you out of your mind?" Zane exclaimed as he looked furious.

-"Zane, why are you so angry my dear?"

-"Libby, this dog hurt my brother and you tell him to be patient? Instead, I think that it should be punished," Zane enraged and with that, he took a cane lying nearby and hit the puppy hard. Libby gasped in fear and the blood spattered everywhere and the puppy went lifeless in a matter of seconds.

"Zane, what did you do? How could you hit an animal so cruelly? How dare you?" Libby barked at Zane but to her astonishment, Zane had no sign of fear or guilt on his face and he replied in a plain voice, "If anyone dares to harm me or my family, I can dare to any extent. And I really don't care if you tell on me to dad. I am sure he will be still proud of me." With that Zane held hands of Ried and went inside.

Libby was still in a state of shock and disgust and she saw the lifeless puppy stained in blood and she recalled the horrific incident of Rosy. She wiped her tears and marched inside speedily when she heard someone, "You are going to inform the parents, right?"
Libby turned to find Rex, the guard and he added, "Trust me it's of no use. Rosy mam will be devastated to hear that. And if you tell this master Derrick he will rather be proud of his son's audacity. You can't change destiny, Libby. It's in their blood."

With that Rex left, leaving Libby with even more disheartened. She had taken of kids since the time they were born and now seeing them turn into monsters was heartbreaking to them.

'But what if I can correct them, save them!' Libby murmured to herself and proceeded inside seeking Rosy in her room when she heard Rosy singing in the living room.

"I like to dust-dust-dust... I like to clean-clean-clean... I like to wipe-wipe-wipe..."

Libby smiled a little to see Rosy happily the flower vases in the living room even though the house had enough maids to do that.

Libby just stepped forward to stop Rosy when someone held her back. She gasped and turned and smiled when she saw Sean and he pulled her back behind the curtain and the next moment they say Derrick reaching Rosy from behind with a smile and placed a kiss at the back of her neck. Rosy startled to that but when she saw Derrick she instantly hugged him.

"I am sure you understand and are thankful to me that I pulled you back," Sean to Libby, "I feel so glad to see Rosy and Derrick so happy now. Yes, they saw a dark phase three years back. It was a dark phase for us too. But I am glad that Derrick made an effort to change himself and give all love and attention that Rosy deserves to have. I hope no harm, no omen touch them and the kids."

Libby was smiling too, but when she heard the word 'kids', she recalled why she came here. She thought to share that with Sean first, "Sean, I have something very important to discuss with you about the kids." Sean nodded with curiosity but the very moment they heard Bolt calling.

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