29: Fugitive - 2

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RECAP - Beaufort :

"You are right, Nina. Sally can help me to go to Manhattan, to my parents."
-"Not Manhattan, Ria... She would take you to Sedona."
-"Sedona? But I know no one in Sedona..."
-"I am not sure dear. So do you wanna go... to Sedona?"
Ria was thoughtful with wary eyes and she then replied, "Yes. I will."

And NOW...



"Dude, I am trying my best to hold on to my patience as I am repeating for the fifth time, Ria is safe and fine here, I promise!... Jack, last night I didn't take a minute's nap because of Ria in the Den, and tonight I cannot sleep because she is at my place. Your friendship is costing me rows of sleepless nights, dude... Sure, I will ask her to call you tomorrow morning... Night, Jack." I cut my call and sighed as I laid down on my bed.

I wanted to switch off my phone. But I knew very well that it would make my doorbell ring all night.

I yawned and closed my eyes for seconds when I started hearing a lot of noises from outside. I groaned, messaged my nose bridge, put on my slippers, and dragged myself out of my bedroom.

-"Nina, I have to search all these large cloth-bundles on these wheel carts."

-"Wade, I told you already that these contain all the clothes from this house. The maids wanted a thorough wash of the entire house. Besides, you are the security in-charge, So why don't you do your job outside the main gate?"

-"You don't teach me my job, Nina!"

-"Practice what you preach, Wade. The maintenance of this house is my job."

"Hey, hey, guys... what's going on?" I intervened, "It's midnight for the love of God!"

"That's exactly what's my point, sir Leo" Wade, approached me, "why would Nina and the maids have to do laundry in the middle of the night and that too 14 cloth bundles? I am sure, she is hiding something in them. And whether you give permission or not, as your security in-charge, I would want to check all of them, sir."

Nina huffed and crossed her hands, "Leo, these contain all your clothes from your older cupboard, all bed sheets, curtains, and couch covers. They haven't been cleaned since God knows how many months! But you may go ahead, Wade. Check each of them but I mind you. You better fold the clothes back just like they are now else I would make YOU do the laundry tonight!"

"Hey, hey hey... you guys are giving me a headache" I intervened, "And, Wade... why are you inside when you should be out for the security?"

Wade approached me, "Sir, I know. But I am suspicious because 3 unknown cars crossed our main entrance with a short halt in the middle of the night for the last one hour? So I came inside to check if everything is OK. And I find this drama inside... Nina, tell me what's going on here and what's with the unknown cars!"

-"Wade, that's for you to explain, NOT ME!"

3 unknown cars...

Suddenly I felt my throat all dried up and I paced up to Ria's room, "Ria, you there?"

I gulped when I heard back nothing.

'God, please don't make my fear come true' I whispered and went right inside.

"Dammit, Ria!" I cried out finding no trace of Ria in the room as well as the washroom. Wade and Nina came running behind me and had a similar reaction. I sat on the bed feeling blacked-out, with my fingers grabbing my hair.

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