30 - Trade of Lives

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Recap (from Fugitive - 1) 

(Evelyn)I hung my head low and whispered, "Do whatever you wanna do with me, sir.... in this car or any other place. I will not resist. But please... please drop me at the airport."

I started with my fourth when he stopped my hand, "Cover back yourself, little girl. I feel you are in trouble and I will help you. And you don't have to do anything stupid for me. But will you atleast tell me your name? I am Logan, Logan Wilson."

And NOW...

SEDONA (Derrick's place)


"My name is E- Vena, sir. Can you please drop me at the airport?" I requested Logan as I used my old orphanage name.

Surprisingly he was so cool with everything that went in the last 10 minutes as he responded, "So miss E- Vena, where are your parents? Are you going to them?"

I half-smiled at my new name and then shook my head in denial. I knew I had to lie and took a moment to respond, "I am an orphan, sir and I don't like my new foster home. So I want to flee from here to a distant aunt of mine."

Logan bought the story as he nodded and mouthed "I am sorry. And that is so horrible! Do you want me to take you to the authorities, E-Vena? They can help you and you don't have to run away."

"No, sir. No one can save me from my foster family. So I just want to go to my aunt. Please..." I said and Logan hesitantly nodded.

"Ahem," I cleared my voice as I gathered some courage to vomit out my curiosity, "if I may ask, you are, sir? You feel new to me in this city..."

Logan heard me but maintained his silence while his hands tightened around the steering wheel.

"I am sorry, sir if I asked you anything personal. I just-" I apologized, but Logan cut me short, "Don't be sorry. Yes, I am new to Sedona and I came here to solve a problem that's causing a ruckus in my family. My youngest brother, Joe was attacked last night while he was coming back home from his friend's place. And the people who attacked my family aren't local, but a sign of bigger threats in the future. So yes, I am dealing with a family crisis too and hoping to get a solution here. But my problem is nothing as big as yours. And you are doing great compared to your young age." Logan smiled.

I nodded, "Thank you, sir. And I must say, you are a wonderful big brother to your siblings." and added sadly, "I wish I had brothers like you."

"But you have me for now and I would safely get you to the airport before I go back to my business." He grinned, assuring me and I too smiled back.

He seemed to be a nice person, unlike every man in my family. I checked the time on his wristwatch as he drove straight. I still had 4.5 hours left to reach the airport. I felt a little relaxed until I realized that the route he was driving to would cross my house.

What if someone locates me?

"Stop! Sir, can you please turn around and drive to the airport from the opposite route?" I was quick to utter.

And he did slow down and added, "Miss E-Vena, we are heading to the right route so we don't have to turn around. In fact, this is the shortest route. Let me text my friend whom I promised to pay a visit. I will meet him once I drop you at the airport."

I smiled back and nodded as I couldn't force him to drive back. But he really seemed nice and I felt like I could trust him.

I leaned back on the seat a little further to ease my back until I saw a white car heading towards us. And within seconds I was on high alert as I was sure that it was Sam. The car had a scratch on it.

Survival Under Protection - Book Two (Sequel)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora