20 - When The Rights Die

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Sedona -

"Sam, I am 14! I cannot be engaged or married at this age! Oh God... please don't tell me that father plans to marry me off as well.." I was trembling now.

"Sadly, he can. Evelyn, you need to calm down and you need to breathe!" Sam ordered but I was way beyond any emotions now. I just remember screaming and fighting with every inch of my body.

"Evelyn, stop! Sam, we need to drug her!" Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my arm and I was struggling to keep my eyes open. But I didn't stop shouting. "Sleep, my child." That was the last thing I heard.

Beaufort -

But uncle rose up and patted Daniel and Logan like a father and spoke, "Son, I understand your worries, but we have a new enemy here and we don't know what they are capable of. Unfortunately, Ria brought this fate to herself. and we have no other choice... Adam, make all arrangements regarding Ria. We need to do this tonight itself, after midnight."

We half-heartedly nodded and I still didn't how we would disclose this decision to Ria.

Now enjoy the update :)



"I am good, mom. My studies to are going good... Mom, how come you called me so late at night? We just had our video call yesterday!" I asked mom curiously. She called me at 1'o clock at night and usually, she would sleep by 11.

"Umm... Truly, I don't know why. I could not sleep and I was constantly thinking about you. Everything is good at home, right... Ria and Joe? Are Logan and Jack taking good care of you? Let me know if the boys trouble you." Mom replied Joe and me. We had put her on speaker as we sat in my room, on my bed.

Mom's words felt as if she knew I was in trouble. I decided to tell her everything, "Mom... there is something and I am little scared of-"

"She is scared of telling you about her poor grades, ma. That's all. Don't worry much," Joe snapped between, not letting me speak, took the phone from my hand, and got off the bed, "Mom, you should go back to sleep. It's quite late for you. Bye!"

"Joe!" I shouted at him but he cut the call instantly. I got off the bed too.

-"Joe, how dare you to snap in between when I was talking to mom!"

-"Ria, rather than shouting at me, you should thank me. You have seen how mad everyone was downstairs. Ray was thrown out of the house. Andy and Alex have never been so angry with you before. Mom and dad are not returning anytime soon, Ria. You cannot afford to turn the people of this house any more furious." Joe spoke and threw my phone on the bed.

"I know, Joe. Logan and Jack do love us, but when it comes to proving their point, they can manipulate anyone in this world. And I am freaking out because It's been 3 hours since John threatened me to be in my room but never came back. But..."

-"But what, Ria?"

-"Joe, I am worried mostly because of Andy and Alex. I was used to their tantrums, their silly pranks on me, both of them messing up with me, even irritating me all the time. I kind of enjoyed that because that was their way of showing their love to me." I slouched on my table.

-"I know, Ree." Joe stood beside me.

-"But never before I saw them so disappointed and hurt because of me. I wish they could understand that I did nothing to harm anyone and I too wanted to fly high in life." I sighed.

Survival Under Protection - Book Two (Sequel)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant