23 - Out in Dark

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Recap: Beaufort

"Don't worry. Only I know that, and not David. He is not that smart, but one thing I wanna assure you, he is aggressive and reckless to get what he wishes for. And I ain't doing any favor to you, you need to help me too. So, Logan and Jack, can we talk... in private?"

I had no clue what was happening, and Logan and Jack nodded and asked John and me to leave. I found the same worried and puzzled look on John's face like mine.

Recap: Sedona

"So you want me to cancel our deal, my friend Ray!" David got up from his chair and turned to face me and that face shook my world.

"You!!" I was in utter shock now!

"Yes, Ray Kowalski. I am afraid our old deal cannot be canceled. But I think I have a new deal for you. Your death."

I had no idea what he meant until he instantly pulled out a gun and fired two shots. I screamed in extreme pain and horror as my white shirt was all red in seconds. I clutched my stomach with both hands as I fell down and everything went black.

And NOW....


Ria's POV:

"Dude, you won't believe how horrifying the movie Hereditary is! I mean I thought I could watch it alone, but I could not. The little girl's head literally tore off of her body! I stopped watching after that scene!"

-"I know, dude! I watched it alone too! That was epic! And do you remember the scene when the grandmother's headless body was found lying in her closed room!"

-"Yeah bro. But the last scene was scariest"

-"Yes, you can bet on it! The mother was possessed and she cut her head-"

"Stop it! Stop, stop STOP!" I screamed out loud as I got up and covered my ears with my hands.

"Shall we stop, Andy?" Alex asked Andy as they were lying on a separate bed, across our closed room, or I should say a jail.

"Nah." Alex quoted confidently, "our little sister is brave enough. She said right that she doesn't need us, doesn't need food, and definitely not scared to sleep alone on her bed that is put up so far from us. It's already 10 PM and she will doze off soon."

I fumed at the idiots but inside I was shit scared.

"You are right. So where were we in the movie? Yes... the mother cut her head and the next scene, we see that the boy was possessed, with her sister's, mother's and granny's cut heads!"

"For God's sake, stop it! Can't you give me one peaceful night to sleep?" I complained.

Andy sat upright on his bed, "We are not disturbing you at all. This is what Alex and I talk about all nights... ghost stories, horror movies, and stuff. Alex, did you watch the movie, The exorcist of Emily Rose? It's my other favorite horror movie. In that, this girl was possessed by a-"

"What would it take for you both to shut up?" It was rather a plea from me.

"Umm... Simple actually. Just have your food. Everything that you love to eat is right here in our room here." Alex got out of his bed and walked to mine.

"It's a room for you, but a prison for me," I stated, looking straight into his eyes.

Alex sighed, shook his head in defeat, and spoke after a long pause, "My lil Ree-"

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