Washington x (young) Wife Reader

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This was way sweeter and cuter than I intended. It was fluffy, smexy, cute, adorable, there is some drama in there cuz I took a quick turn to add drama, then back to good cute stuff, it was longer than expected. This was a request from LadyLizabetA_101 and Mel! I really hope you enjoy this! I think I will do another young wife reader one later on too.

I will try to post a chapter at least one-two weeks, I am hoping at least once a week. :3 Thank you, enjoy folks! 18+


Your parents were surprised for sure. When you introduced them to George they were surprised with his age first off, then they were shocked that is was General Washington himself. You met him by chance, you walked into camp and wanted to help in anyway, even if it was laundry. This was in the beginning of the war, right at the start. Washington walked right past you as you carried a big basket of clothing. He loved you at first sight, you kept walking but he stopped in his tracks and looked back, time had slowed for him. You turned around to see him looking at you, he was kind, good looking, you smiled at him and waved, then carried on. He hesitated to follow you, he had to stop and think to himself, was it gentlemanly to follow a woman? No, right? But maybe? The next thing he knew he was walking behind you. Following you around like a cute puppy. You set aside the basket, you looked up at him, you wanted to tease him, and you did. The next thing you both knew, you were engaged to be wed. You loved talking to each other, just cuddling, being in each others arms.

Every time he would see you in the camp he would stop in his tracks. Whenever he had time he would follow you around, just talk and walk, he would help you with chores of the camp from time to time, like hanging the cloths and drying them. He would ask you to his tent and you would go, take a sip of tea, just look at him, then leave. He just loved to look at you, and you at him, he liked you just being there in his presence while he looked at letters and documents, and you enjoyed his company while you worked, you both just liked sitting in each others presence. You only ever touched hands but a few times. You wished to hold his hand for much longer. He was always so gentlemanly about that, he would hold your waist lightly, no tight grip, almost like he was holding the air between your waist and his hand.

You were just sitting outside the room, your ear pressed against the door trying to hear what your parents were saying, what George was saying. You so hoped that father would give his blessing for the marriage. Your mother was even harder to please, you were her eldest daughter, her blessing as she called you. If mother gave her approval, father would surely follow and give his approval. You heard movement about in the room, then footsteps towards the door, you backed up and fixed the skirt of your dress, the door opened and your mother rushed to you and hugged you. "He is quite the gentlemen." she whispered into your ear. You looked back to see that George and your father were shaking hands. Georges looked at you with the biggest smile and lightest blush on his face. Your father then walked to you, he asked if George made you as happy and in love as you made him. "Yes, he does." then that was history. 

The next month you and George were married and oh so happy. At the wedding you danced all night. At the end of the night you and him just walked together and talked, you and him never really held hands, had that skin to skin. You were so happy and in more love than ever when you finally kissed him. You felt his hands, the warmth they had, how your hands fit perfectly into his, your head on his chest. Everything was great. 

You danced and danced with him,. You even danced with Hamilton and Lafayette who both told you that you make the General very happy. Hamilton and yourself talked for a long time, he was a true friend, you would occasionally look to George who would since you looking at him and he would then turn to look back and meet your eye. George for the final dance looked the happiest you had ever seen him, it was just as happy of a look as the day he had asked you to marry him and you said, yes. "You are the most beautiful and wonderful women in the world." you smile, "You are the most handsome."

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