Washington x Reader

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Ah sheet, here we go again. Founding Daddy Issues.

Sorry guys I've been swamped with my classes and my job but now that the holidays have passed, I shall be working less, and classes are over until spring, we will be here to wright!

So in this one you and Washington are secretly seeing each other, your father is a red coat officer. As far as many people know you are eligible, a fair hand to ask for, how will things play out?

Also this is really long... woops!


You had a big secret, a large one. You wanted to help the rebel side but did not know how because of who you were, you, the daughter of a Kings Man, a red coat officer, General [y/l/n]. Your father was known for being a scary and powerful General, the rebels called him The Red Snake and The Red Monster, he was cruel to rebels, strong in battle, and his scar on his face. A scar he said he got in the war in Scotland when he was a teenager. Your dad was kind to you and your sister however, loved that he was blessed with two daughters over two sons. He told you and your sister of how strong and brave women were, that women are more than men, can be smarter than men. He took you hunting as children, he raised you like boys while mother raised you like girls; dresses, tea, and gossip, things of that nature. Mother died before the war, it was clear father was using the war as a way to vent on the battlefield, giving him his scary reputation.

When the war came, your sister she saw it as a way to meet eligible bachelors among the red coat officers father would bring over for dinner and celebrations. You however, saw it as your way to make a change, you felt the passions of the rebels, understood their motivations and so much more, you agreed with the cause. Even the relentless taxes hurt fathers pockets.

You didn't however, know how you were going to do it, how to aid the rebels. In the meantime you figured you and your sister could celebrate being young and go out, have fun. While you both still where young and full of life. "[s/n](sisters name)?"


"Do you want to go into town?"

"We've been in town already." she mumbled while turning the page of the book she was reading. "I never said here, this town. Lets go a town over."

"Rebels run the city over. Father will surely explode if he were to find out." [s/n] said worriedly holding her book to her chest. "He doesn't have to explode if he does not find out. Besides as long as we are back home in time he will not know any different than as if we were to be in town here." You smile, she smiles back and closes her book and runs upstairs to get one of her many a good dresses on. She picked out one of her finest ones and one for you aswell.

You asked your father if you and your sister could go into the town and that you were just going to look around and didn't need a lot of money but he gave you more than enough anyways. He told you to be safe and to get home as soon as you could hopefully before dark, he had a habit of staying awake until you and your sister came home to make sure you both got home safe. He feared that if he slept and you never came home-the idea gives him anxiety. You promise to try and be back before dark or as soon as you could, at least before midnight.

You and your sister arrived in the rebel city, it was wonderful to look around, seeing all the people, all the men in uniform. "What about him?" she asked. "Is he attractive or just tall?" She took a long pause and sighed, "He's just tall." She then turned to her left, "What about him?"

"No, far to skinny." you said. "Well..." your sister mumbled disappointedly. "You should talk to him." she quickly cheered as she pushed you towards a gentlemen, you caught yourself before crashing into him and quickly whipped around to push your sister back, you began lightly pushing each other giggling running up the sidewalk. Your sister pushed you just a little to hard and you bumped into a man, your body committed to running with your sister you keep running but turn your upper body to face the man you had just bumped, "I'm so sorry!" you yelled to him apologizing as your sister grabbed your arms and dragged you up the street and around the corner out of view of the man.

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