Ben Tallmadge x Male Reader

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Howdy! So in this one the male reader is a red coat.

I was listening to Lana Del Rey's National Anthem while righting this, if you want to listen to it. It isn't essential to the story or plot, it was just an inspiration and vibe.

Enjoy folks!


You and Ben met at college, at university. You were close. You liked him for sure, more than what you wanted, but you figured feeling might dissolve over time, then the war happened. He went home and you told him you were doing the same, you ended up joining the war, as a redcoat, to serve the King. With hard work you worked your way up to Ensign.

You were so proud of that fact you worked so hard to get to this point, but at the same time you missed college, you missed your friendships, especially your friendship with Ben, you found you missed a lot of what you took for granted once the war happened. Your little sister, Jane, often wrote to you, she has such a big and happy heart. Every month she was writing to you about some new man, a possible husband, often requesting you meet them. If you didn't scare the man away they often got scared of sweet Jane, too much energy and joy, weird and wild, bold. That was your sister, she didn't care about being a quiet proper woman, she spoke gossip aloud and walked with her head held high and ran in the house. And so. You wondered who the next man would be?
After some time had passed you received a letter from Jane. "Dear Brother, I met someone who literally dropped on my door step at the old home in the woods that belonged to Uncle Martin. He says he is a reverend. A one, Benjamin Brewster." You stopped reading. Could it be? Benjamin Tallmadge just using an alias? He once told you of a friend of his named Caleb Brewster, so...perhaps it was Ben. You continued to read as you held your chin with your free hand, thinking as you read. "He has the most wonderful ocean eyes and softest brown hair." Yes. This is Ben. Why was he pretending to be a reverend? Did he become a reverend? 

You quickly grab a blank paper and your quill, dipping it into the ink, then began your letter.

"Dearest Sister, I would like to meet this, Reverend Brewster. I shall come at the soonest possible hour."

You were able to get leave once you talked to Major Andre who gave you his blessing to go. You got on your horse and rushed to your uncles' old home that your sister now lived. You arrived at the home in time to see three men leaving. You recognized one of them, a Lieutenant Gamble, you believed, he was one of Andres' men. "What's going on, Lieutenant?"

"Nothing, just looking for a spy."

"What's he look like? Maybe I can help?" You ask. "Just look out for anyone pretended to be a man of the cloth, a reverend." Gamble grumbled, then began waking with the two other men away.

Ben? Benjamin Tallmadge a spy? You rush to the house and knock on the door. "Jane? It's me, [y/n]?" You wait a short while then the door flings open. "Oh, hello brother. Good day is it not?"

"Why are you acting weird? I know he is here, let me in." "Who? No one is here. What reverend?" She stumbled, she was always bad at lying to you, better with others, but not you. "I'm not going to arrest him, if that's what your odd about." Once you finished that sentence a man came around to corner from the back room. It was indeed Benjamin Tallmadge. He must have recognized your voice. "Tallmadge, how good to see you after all this time."

"And you aswell." Ben said holding his side. "Let me take a look." you said, you opened your satchel with medicines. Jane mentioned the reverend was injured. Shot.  

"Oh no its fine." Ben said confidently.

"No. It is far from fine. I tried my best but it looks awful." Jane quickly said jumping in. You took off your coat and set it on a chair. You gestured your hand towards the bed for Ben to lay down as you bit your lip thinking. "So, how did you get shot?" you ask lifting his shirt seeing the wound. 

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