Simcoe x Reader x Abe Pt1

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This is a request from Mel, I hope you like it. I did slightly change the timeline, but not by much, just when the duel is. 

Enjoy folks! :3


You lived in Setauket all your life. You loved being here, especially with your friends, Abe, Tallboy, Brewster, and Anna. Anna was always with Abe growing up, they were young lovers, but what about you? Perhaps you had a crush on Tallboy, or perhaps on Brewster? You never wanted to admit it, but you liked Abe growing up. You kept quiet because you loved Anna, she was your best friend, it was clear she liked him and he liked her. Abe didn't seem to like you, or so you felt.

You were a secretive, very quite kid, you kept to yourself a lot. Honestly, most people thought you were mute. Your friends were loud, you and Abe were the two most quiet ones of the group, but Abe was loud in another sense of the word. Not verbally loud but his actions, they were loud. You too would be loud in that different way.

As you all got older you were surprised to find that Anna was marrying your brother Selah. You could have sworn Abe was to wed her, but then he wed his brothers intended instead. It was made clear, Abe would just never be yours. You and Anna became much closer afterwards, closer than ever before. You were happy to have her at Strong Manner. You and Anna were inseparable, and even closer to each other when the redcoats came. It was like you two were hip and hip.

The redcoats began to change things in your home. They turned the church into a stables, and more. A redcoat officer was staying at your home, Captain Joyce. He had a temper for sure, but he never bothered you. He only ever asked you for refills on drinks at the tavern and really ignored you at home. You were thankful that an eligible officer did not chase after you. That was one of your fears. That someone would chase after your hands, ask for your hand in marriage. You hid behind your brother Selah a lot. So much so, that you didn't even notice that one of the red coats that often sat with Joyce would stare at you. When you did finally notice however, you could now feel his gaze follow you, even when you went into another room.

He was pale, tall, with piercing blue eyes. He was an attractive fellow to be sure but he was scary, he seemed to scare a lot of people. He never talked to you, he would look away when you tried to look back at him. He often lingered when you and Anna closed up shop, He would wait till everyone left then would leave without a word, the last one out the door. You wondered if you should say something, like "come again" or "see you next time" or "travel home safe", see if he would respond. One day things were a little more wild in the tavern. Abe came in and wanted to talk to Selah, you pointed him towards Selah's direction and they began to talk, Anna joined, you elected to keep working and refill peoples drinks. While filling up a tower of beer, you heard a table break, you turned around quickly to see the men, Captain Joyce beating up your brother, then Abe took his place ripping Joyce's coat.

The man who would stare at you came into the fight too. It hurt you to see Abe get beat up, and it hurt even more to see Selah get dragged away and put in a pillory. You finished up at the tavern when it was closing time. You looked at the broken table and the broken glass and took in a deep sigh. The tall man came up to you. "Don't trouble yourself with that. I will clean it for you." You looked at him, wide eyed almost. Those were the first words you remembered him ever saying to you. "Oh, it's honestly fine, no trouble. It's my job anyhow."

"We made the mess, Miss Strong." you didn't want him to clean everything, you had to clean to, to keep your mind off the fact your brother was just arrested. "Then, we can clean it together. If you like?" He went and got things to clean up the mess, he didn't say much after that. He cleaned in peace, once everything was done and fixed he wished you good night and left. You quickly put on a coat and rushed to see your brother to give him food and water then head home for the night.

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