Ben Tallmadge x Reader

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Hello folks! This goes out to TheParisian51 and Mel! I hope you enjoy this.

I was listening to "Runaway" by aurora, the slowed down version uploaded by komuxi on YouTube and "The Wisp Sings" by Winter Aid, uploaded by Aurora Vibes, also on YouTube while righting this if you want to give it a listen, its all up to you.

I promised the post weekly and didn't end up doing that, but this time I will keep my promise! I will have at least one chapter a week or every two weeks. :D I just got busy with my job and taking the PICAT then the ASVAB, and more, in other words, I'm joining the Army. I figured, why go to college for eight years and be in dept. for the very same job I can get in the Army in four years and not have to worry about dept. I am very nervous and lowkey scared but I think I will be fine, I'll be okay.

In this you and Tallmadge grew up together and you are to marry another man so your little sisters can have a good life because they are so young. Will love prosper? What ever will happen? I hope you like it, enjoy folks!


You and Ben grew up as friends, best friends since you were kids, but as you got older you began to realize you liked Ben as more than just a friend, even Bens' father could tell. He often already referred to you as his daughter, teasing you. He would like for you to marry his son, but things were more complicated.

The revolution began and Ben set off to make a change, you encouraged him. You stayed in Setauket to watch over your three younger sisters. Eleanor, Nelly for short, was the oldest at ten. Then was Sophie at 8, and finally Lucy at six, missing her two front teeth still. Mom died not long after Lucy was born, then Dad as soon as Ben left. Your cousin, Barney, got your fathers land and money, its a shame women couldn't get a thing. Barney was kind enough to let you live at home still. You quickly realized you needed to marry money, and quick if you were to support your sisters and provide them the choice of wedding for love when the time came.

The red coats moved in and a commanding officer, a Lieutenant James Weswood made his feelings towards you known right away. His family had wealth and he did too, this was your chance. Once Selah was taken away to the Jersey you decided to help Anna at the tavern. Anna and Abe told you to chase your feelings, to just go for it. "Did either of you go for it?" you asked. They both just sighed and looked at each other. "This is the real world, no fairytales." you would say then head out with two ales to a table.

Sophie, Lucy, and Nelly would sit at the farthest table from all the drunks, they would just nit, draw, or read quietly to themselves while you worked. When you had a chance you would tell them about love stories, stories with happy endings to make them smile. To give them hope that they can find that love and a happy ending for themselves. They loved your stories. Some of the red coats would sit and listen too. It made you happy, if only for a short time. They would hold there heads in there hands, elbows on the table, leaning forward, intensely listening to you go on. "Mr. Barby rushed out the door and towards her coach. 'Lily!' he cried out."

"Does Lily hear him?" asked a red coat. You smile, "Lily pokes her head out the coach window, holding her hat to prevent it from flying away. 'Mr.Barby?' she asked squinting her eyes. 'I love you!' he yelled. 'I love you' he said, the biggest smile on his face. She smiled back, her face a bright shinning glow. 'Stop the coach!' demanded Miss Applebee." and you would continue on. "...and they got married, both living happily ever after." the men would clap and your sisters cheer. They also liked the fact you tried to give the characters voices, give the stories life.

You would finish the story then begin closing up shop. Telling stories was almost sentimental, you loved telling them but at the same time you use to read stories to Ben when you were kids, you would often imagine him being there, listening to you. Almost all the ones you told were the ones that he liked most.

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