Reader x Washington: Yorktown

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Reader x Washington (Turn)
Anonymous: can you do one with Washington (from turn) where we like die? We see how he reacts? Maybe?

[A/N] warning, death and feels and stuff. War. You get it, right?

You had convinced Washington with help of others that Yorktown will be the place of victory for the colonies. You served at and under so many people, but today would b different.
You pull your [H/C] hair into a low hanging ponytail and look out the tent. "General Washington?" He hears the great concern in your voice. "Are you sure about this? Will they accept me?"
He stands up from his desk and places his hand on your cheek. "[Y/N], they already look up to you. When this is over, we can be married." He kisses you sweetly.
You had been a lieutenant to Caleb Brewster for a long time, then you became a lieutenant at his side, and now, you could control your own army. No one new of your secret relations with The General, well, Caleb new. He was your best friend. Today you lead as a Lieutenant to General Washington's army. You walk outside the tent, men stand up and look to you.
"The battle of Yorktown, this is our chance to finally end it all. Today we live or die, for our freedom, and our children's freedom. They will remember us for many years! Let's go!" You scream, men cheering. Washington stands at your side. "Yorktown."
"Let's ride." You look to him and smile. Your picky holds his, you two are standing to close for anyone to see.
The battle is dragging on.
Boom! Bam!
Shots and cannons going off like a thunderstorm with no end. You lead your men and take charge. You cross enemy lines with many.
You are killing Red Coats left and right. Then. Pain.
You collapse to the floor. You feel it in your stomach, you look down, you see the blade get pulled back. Your shirt turns to red. Your beautiful blue coat, stained red.
Your men gang up on the Red Coat and beat him to death. Two of you men pick you up and drag you back to the other side.
Nurses and Doctors rush to your side. But, you know...this is it. You see it all begin to fade, everything blurry. The last thing you see before closing your eyes is the blurry image of George... General Washington. You close your eyes. He hold your hand. In seconds... you let go. Death takes you.
Washington drags on the fight. He holds himself together until the white flag of the enemy arises.
It finally does.
He smiles.
"Yorktown." He whispers. "You new it would be a victory, if only you lived to see it." He sits down and feels his tears welling up. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring. He lets a single tear run down his face.
He feels your presence. Your ghost kisses the cheek the tear ran down. Your presence. Gone.

[A/N] was that good? I hope so. Feels happened...

Turn: Washington's Spies: HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now