Ben Tallmadge x Reader

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Benny Boi!!!!!!

In this one the reader is dressed as a man in camp to be closer to Ben. Warning Colonel Bradford is an arse. I did get lazy towards the end. I had more drama planed but it didn't work out, so I rushed it a bit. I still hope its good though.


[y/f/n] = Your Full Name-------[y/F/n/] = Your False first Name----- [y/F/L/n]= your false last name, [y/F/F/n] your full false name.


When the war began, the revolution, Ben and Caleb quickly went to join the continental army, and you so too wanted to do the same, they said no. Ben especially said no. But you found a way to join a few months later, here today you stand before three men. Dressed up as a man and gave a false name and age, made your age younger to explain the femaleness of your voice and facial features. You used soft make-up to fake a false four-o'clock shadow. 

The captain looked you up and down, "Your a small scrawny fellow, but you can fight, read, and write..." he took a big sigh, "Welcome to the continental army, [y/F/F/n]." he gave you a small paper, it had your name and rank, private, and where to go, Valley Forge. "Be here tomorrow morning, we are all going to Valley Forge as soon as the sun begins to rise." the Captain grumbled. 

You couldn't sleep all night, you just sat at the writing desk that sat at the window and looked out at the nights sky. You felt a slight rise of anxiety, you were now a soldier. A rebel. In a war. You saw the tip of the sun begin to show on the horizon and made your way down the stairs and outside to meet up with the others.

You road out with the others and after a few days arrived in camp. You were all greeted by a man, a Colonel. He introduced himself as Colonel Bradford. He met your eye and looked at you for a short while then looked away, you got scared that he figured out you were a woman. He then left as someone else came to escort you all to your tents and provide some form of a uniform. You figured he was just making normal eye contact and pushed it aside. 

You wanted to find Ben but now liked where you were. You did your part, you fought hard and soon began getting promoted. Soon enough you became an Ensign at the side of General Horatio Gates. He called you to his tent to discuss battle formation, when you walked into the tent you came face to face with Ben and Caleb who recognized you right away. Bens stance shifted, you could tell he was bothered, Caleb looked more impressed if anything. 

Once the planning was ended you quickly tried to leave the tent but Ben and Caleb rushed out the tent after you. You tried to casually speed walk away, be discreet. They didn't care, they quickly ran after you. Ben grabbed your shoulder and spun you around. "What are you doing?"

"I think she's trying to be a soldier." Caleb answered. "I am a soldier." you shot back, standing tall and proud, happy of your hard work. "You can be killed." Ben said, angerly pointing his finger to the ground at the word killed. 

"I can be killed back home. If I am to die, it will not be in the crossfire of some battle at or near home, I want to die fighting for what I believe in. Like you...don't you?" There was a silence between the three of you, you shifted your stance and crossed your arms, you looked down at the ground and moved some of the dirt and mud under your feet. "I'm sorry." you looked back up to face Ben and Caleb. "But, I am staying here and I am going to fight. Good day you guys." You said solemnly, turning and walking away form them and towards your tent. 

Caleb quickly adjusted to you being in the army, it took Ben a long while but eventually he came around. It was clear he was still uncomfortable and upset, but he would rather be next to you at all times than not at all. He tried recruiting you into his dragoons but instead you were put into your own group of platoons. Ben told you about Bradford and how they hadn't gotten along and that he wanted you away from him. That Bradford has a keen eye and would surely take you away form Ben to hurt him, that Bradford saw how often you hung out with Ben and Caleb. You told Ben not to worry, that everything would be fine. 

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