Peggy Shippen x Female Reader

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Hot giggidy damn! What a request!!! If you want another part, let me know!

WARNING!!! 18+ smut, gay smut, smexy time, you have been warned

In this you are pretending to be a man. [y/fls/n] = your false name, lets jump right in!

Enjoy folks 


Your father was sick, he was dying. You were raised a boy because your father wanted the family name and business to pass on. Your name was [y/n] but you chose the name [y/fls/n]. Your father and mother tried for so long to have children and they had you, so you were their son. They later had your two sisters. Much younger than yourself. You were twelve when [sis one] was born and sixteen when [sis two] was born. Mother died from complications in her last birth. Now that father was sick, you joined the Kings Army. You had to grow up fast to lead the house and make sure your sisters were safe. Now joining the Kings Army was the final step, and securing them husbands, but the army for now. You had it rough leading the family and found comfort in a maid. 

It was then you realized the affections you had towards other women and soon began intimate relations with such maid. She showed you many things. Many pleasurable things. You were not her only lover though, she got caught with the butler and father had her removed, you recommended her to an old widow you knew from market to let the maid still have a job. Father kept the butler. The older butler had a niece, and soon she began chasing affections to you. You called things off because she was marrying and you were scared of being caught. Three years later she wished you luck as she helped you appear like a man.

Once you joined you quickly began a friendship with Major John Andre. You got so close to Major Andre you became his right hand man. Where ever he went, you went.

People began calling you brothers. One handsome and one with boyish charm, you being the boyish charm. Andre liked that people thought so highly of the both of you, he also confessed he liked that the two of you were thought to be siblings, made him happy, so happy he began to call you brother when it was just the two of you. 

Andre and yourself were invited to a dinner at the Shippen estate, Judge Shippen wished to meet your acquaintances and also appear well and good considering you and Andre moved in to Philadelphia. You were worried about it, so many people in one place, and after all, you barley knew how to dance, let alone be the male lead in the dance. "I'm not sure I should attend the event, John. We have so much to catch up on, papers wise." you said. "Come now, you need a break. Papers and Documents can wait my friend. Come, Brother." he said opening the door waiting for you to leave first. You did so and he closed the door behind the two of you. 

Once at the event, the Judge was quick to make an approach to you both. Behind him you saw a group off friends, many females and one male playing card games. Maybe if you joined you would not have to dance. "Thank you again, for having us." you said to the judge as you made your way over. "How far are we into the game? Not to far I hope as I wish to hopefully join. If you'll have me." you said. "We just started." A young woman said as she began to deal cards. You pulled up a chair and joined. "I'm [y/fls/n]. Right hand man to Major Andre."

"I'm Peggy, this is Becky, Becky, and Freddie." she smiled.

"Pleasure to meet you all." you smiled, taking to cards from Miss Peggy. "Its a pleasure to meet you." Becky said, locking eyes with you. "Indeed." added Freddie. 

"So, you and the Major, are brothers?" ask Becky. "Or perhaps cousins?" asked the other Becky. "No, actually. We met in the army but have been around each other so much we are perceived to be as brothers. He is like a brother to me."

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