Ensign Baker x Reader

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He ya'll, sorry this took so long, Sociology has been biting me in the butt, and taking up all my time. This was a request from CuteAliceAngel and a friend of mine, (Hi Mel). Ensign Baker needs a little love, I agree :D

I had lots of fun writing this, it was all cute and fuzzy. I hope it makes ya'll feel all cute and fuzzy too. I didn't know how to end it, but I did try, enjoy :3

You were in the quiet, small, quaint, Setauket. You grew up here, you had lots of friends: Caleb, Be, Anna, and Abe. That was a lot to you. You came back to Setauket after some time in New York helping a distant cousin get better from there illness. Now, they were better, you came home. Only, the war had started. Ben and Caleb were gone, red coats were flooding in all over the place. You lost your home, you had to sell it to survive so you were moving into Abe's home with his wife and son. You had no clue if there was a soldier having quarter there. 

You see it. Abe's home. You rushed over on your horse, [Horse Name Here], "There it is, [h/n/h]. We're home." You and your trusty steed make your way to the house. You get off the horse with your two big bags of what little you had left. You see Mary hanging wet cloths on the clothing line and taking dry ones down. "Mary!"

"[y/n], it is so good to see you." Mary walked over and hugged you. You pulled away from the hug and began walking to the door, "How are you? How is Abe? How is Little Thomas? What-"

You were about to be close enough to the door to open it, when the door flung open and a man came out. "Oh, sorry Miss. Excuse me." His voice was some sort of deep and sweat mix of a voice, it caught you of guard, besides his rushing entrance. His voice was unique, unlike any voice you have ever heard before, it was just different to you.

"Running late, Mr. Baker?" Mary gave him his red coat.

"Aye, ma'am." he kindly took the coat and was off. "Mr. Baker?" You look to Mary. "Yes, Ensign Baker is staying here. Your room is on the bottom floor. Not the upstairs one, that would be his."

"Understood. Is he nice?"

"Nice? What a silly question, of course he is. Now put down those bags, Abe will get them."

You smile to yourself. Silly question? You set down your bags happy to let Abe take them. Mary takes you inside. Abe comes around the corner from the stairs. "[y/n], you're here!" he hugs you. "Did [your cousin name], get better?"

"Why, yes, they did. Thanks for asking."

"Where are your bags?" Abe put his hands to his sides, Mary put her hand on Abe's shoulder. "The bags are outside, can you get them for [y/n] while I escort her to her room?"

"Y-ye-yea-yeah, Yeah, I can." Abe took a deep sigh and went outside to fetch your bags. Mary opened the door as it made a slight creak. It looked cozy, it had a writing desk, and [insert things you like, like that wood thing that holds a canvas for you?]. You then sat on the bed. "Just as cozy and comfortable as I remember."

"I'm glad you think so." Mary took a seat next to you. "Have you found yourself a husband yet?" You then fell back onto the bed. "No, no I have not. To be honest Mary, I don't think I will find one. Not here anyhow."

"Don't be so sure of that. There are new men here. Good men. Kind men. Like Mr. Baker." Abe came in with your bags and set them aside. There you are. 

A day or two passed and you were finally settled in. Your cloths in the wardrobe, books in the book case, and more. You were about to walk out your room when you heard Abe and his father talking about visiting his elder brother, Thomas' grave, then make there way to New York. Abe left with his father. You walk out to see Mary holding Little Thomas. "Morning, [y/n]."

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