Turn Boys React To Your Death Prt2: Andre' and Woodhull

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[A/N] oof this is going to be dark too guys, enjoy y'all.
Warning: death, blood, etc
...here we go!
John André

You never expected to get invited to a party, let alone one that John Andre' was hosting

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You never expected to get invited to a party, let alone one that John Andre' was hosting. You had no idea why he would invite you, your father and brother were known for helping out the continental army. Perhaps, you thought, it was because you still held a social standing and the side you were on wasn't as apparent as that of your family's. Maybe people still figured you a loyalist.

You made your hair look fine and beautiful, yet different than what most people would get. You wore your most favorite [color] dress and long wool sock with a [favorite animal or symbol] design. You got a coat and walked to your coach, ready for the party. You hoped that you would somehow blend in with the crowd and if things weren't going well you could sneak out unnoticed.

You knocked on the door and a soldier winked at you, "Miss [y/n], welcome, John Andre' welcomes you, and me too."

You rushed past him and thanked him. You walked into the ball room and everyone's head turned. You heard the whispers.

"Her father and brother work for the radicals."

"I heard she hosts for continental soldiers, like the- you know, those girls." You knew she meant whores. 

You turned around to walk away but bumped into John Andre'! "Mr. Andre'-I am so sorry, I was just leaving."

"No, please stay, I have matters we need to discuss." He have a small hint of a smile, it made you blush. The others in the room all stated to gossip again. "She must be working for him."

"If she has 'matters to discuss' with Andre', she is a clear Loyalist." a man then added, "She did move out from her fathers estate."

You were glad there gossip changed but it still bothered you that they were gossiping to begin with, gossip had a distaste in your mouth. You also wondered what was to be discussed between you and Andre', why would he THE JOHN ANDRE' talk to you?

You tried to approach him but he would walk away and talk to other girls, soldiers, and generals. You got upset and rushed past him mumbling, "I am wasting my time here." He then grabbed your arm. "We will talk after everyone has left, when we can be private with each other." He whispered. He let you go and gave you that same smile but his eyes were almost worried. You then walked away and danced with some other soldier and talked politics with the mayor.
The party died down and soon it was just you in the home of John André. He walked over to you and gestured you to the couch, "Please, May we talk here?" His eyes smiled.
"I suppose." You walked to the couch and took your seat, he sat across from you and crossed his legs. "I understand you are a very smart woman, also very lovely looking, but the smart is what I am interested in. Your family is known for being loyal to the continental army, but you are an anomaly. Men fancy you, all over town, especially in the continental army. That is where I need you."
"You want me to use my mind and looks to steal information from continental soldiers. Am I to be one of your spy's? That is a very dangerous game, and I shan't be playing it." You quickly stood up and turned to walk to the door. John too stood up but he faced you.
"[y/n], this is no game, not to me. I will make sure you are safe. This will also prove your loyalty to-"
"To the king?" You cut him off.
"To me."
You paused. "I will think it over, I shall tell you my answer tomorrow." You smiled at him and walked out the door.
All night you thought about what he said. That you were smart but also lovely. You knew you were smart but not lovely, and you didn't understand why men fancied you. Maybe it was a trick to get you to join in his spy game. Yet, you wanted to be safe, no matter who won the war, you had been safe in the gray zone for so long why jump into this? But, maybe, you could find out things about your family.
You knocked on John André's door and he swung it open. "[Y/N]."
"I will do as you say, on one condition, if you, the king wins the war my family is to be forgiven for being part of the continental army, they can walk free and return home."
"Strange of you, but, I accept, and you will be safe." André smiled, "Come, join me for tea and breakfast, it'd be a pity to eat alone."
You walked inside and saw the nice meal.
You and André ate and talked about codes and who he wanted you to flirt with and get 'close' to.
You didn't like flirting with them at first but soon it was easy to fool them. You felt guilty for going against your father and brother but if you said no there was that chance André or someone would think you loyal to the continental army, and that would be no good in a loyalist city and state.
You often changed bits and peace's when you informed André, as you and André talked and got to know each other it became hard not to tell him everything you learned from the other side.
André was also seeming to get quiet and distant, almost jealous when you had to flirt with the other men.
He then invited you over for dinner.
You walked into the dining room to see a beautiful display of food. "Miss [y/n], I have many important things to discuss with you after we eat."
"Why not discuss as we eat? The sun is already setting-"
"I want you to stop being a spy for me, you are relieved."
"Relieved? As in like, fired?"
"No, well, I just feel as if..." he paused and walked to you holding your hands "this IS a game, it's not safe to play anymore. I fear for your safety. The terms are still intact, you and your family...free and safe."
"Why kick me out now?"
"I care for you, deeply..."
"Yes." He stared at your lips.
"I don't understand-" he pressed his lips onto yours and held you close to him. He quickly pulled away and walked to the other side of the room. "John?" You whispered under breath, touching your lips. "Why me?"
He turned around and smiled at you the same way he did at the party he invited you to so long ago. "You are a smart and brilliant woman. Lovely, beautiful, brave. You are just so...forgive me."
You walked up to him and held his head in your hands. "Thank you." That was all you could say, you kissed him sweetly.

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