Male Reader x Tallmadge

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[a/n] shite dudes... I like can't even with this IM SCREAMING ITS SO CUTE BUT LIKE OMG
just is long, like 1855 words, and it's slightly dialog heavy. I hope it's okay, cuz I think it's cute
You walked into Washington's tent, and there he was, General Washington. Your father was General Washington's friend as children and when the General heard of you, the proud son of the man he once knew, he had to meet you. "General Washington, you summoned me?"
"Yes, [Y/N], I did." He walked over to you. "I knew your father, he was a good man, I see he raised a greater son, you have experience in battle?"
"Yes sir, over seas, I help were I can, I was only a nurse in most fights, a Major only but once."
"I am trusting you to be a Major in my ranks, you will learn more from a Major I trust, Benjamin Tallmadge."
"Aye General." You smile. "My father says hello." You both smile as a man walks into the tent.
"General, Sir?" The voice of a man says. You turn around to see a tall man, his hair in a low bow ponytail. (I don't know how to describe it, sorry fam)
"Major Tallmadge, this is [Y/F/N]. He too will be a Major in Intelligence, I need you to show him how things work around here."
"Yes, Sir." Ben walks to you. "[Y/F/N], can I call you [Y/N]?"
"Aye, you can."
You and Ben leave the tent and he takes you on a tour of the place, he then takes you to a tent and coach were two other men sat. "[Y/N], this is Nathaniel Sackett and Caleb Brewster."
"So, this is the new Major?" Nathaniel grumbled, "You quickly climbed the ranks, but with your past and even farther past, one of your fathers, I trust Washington's choice of you."
You pause, "Thank you? Sir."
You eventually get along with Mr. Sackett and become best friends with Caleb, you are trusted with The Culper Ring, you come up with new codes and ways of transferring information. You and Ben become close, you often talked about simple things, and so much more. You began to develop feelings for him, but you had to admit, you were afraid he would reject your affections, you had no idea if he liked you or not.
Tensions got high, you found it hard not to blush or stutter around him, when you stood close to him it was hard for you to stop the impulse to kiss him.
You often found it hard to sleep for he flooded your mind of thoughts. You figured you'd go for a walk, hoping that will get you tired. You walked out your tent only to find Ben walking up to you. "Benjamin?"
"Good, you are awake. I was hoping we could talk."
"Not now Ben, I must get some sleep."
"But you are dressed and awake." He looked at you, up and down.
"I needed fresh air, I planned on waking to help me get sleepy." You gave him a small smile. "I would be happy to talk to you tomorrow, okay Ben?"
Ben smiled at you. "Yes. That will be fine." Ben quickly rushed off. He was wide awake as you. Perhaps, he is thinking of you too, you wondered, but you brushed it off and ran back into your tent.
The next day you sat in your tent and sat at your desk, coming up with a new code that perhaps another spy ring could use. You then heard the flapping of the tent being opened as Ben rushed in. "[y/n], I have to speak to you. It is of a very important matter to me."
"I'm working, Ben."
"We need to talk."
"I have nothing to talk about." You were confused, why were you blocking him? You liked him, a lot; perhaps that was why you kept avoiding him. "Okay, what do you want to talk about."
"I...I need your help with something. Please. Just come with me."
You followed Ben out the tent and into a shed with Anna inside. "Anna? What is it? Are you okay?"
"I need you to fake a letter. For me, about our love." Anna said.
"Is this for that one lady? The spy?"
"Yes, it is. She thinks that there is something between me and Ben, but I told her that it was more a love triangle, you like me as well."
You paused, taking a moment to think. "I'll do it. I'll have it done tonight." You smile at her and Ben. Anna hugs you, "I hope your letter will be better than Bens."
You chuckle. "I would hope so." You quickly leave the tent and run off to your own. Being around Ben was getting dangerous. Your face was super red and you began to sweat.
You finished up your work but figured if you avoided Ben enough, you could stop getting more and more attracted to him, but it wasn't working. He kept trying to get close to you and find ways to talk to you.
You stood outside your tent and caught eyes with Ben, you quickly rushed inside your tent and he stormed in after. "Talk to me, [Y/N]."
"No, I am afraid I have a lot of papers to attend to and I still need to wright that letter to Anna, it's been three days."
"Well then let me help you with your work." Ben looks to you. You turn your back and say nothing, there is a long pause. "We have a job to do, [Y/N]. You understand that? Don't you?"
"I do, understand that we have a job. Yet I don't see how..." you face him. "Never mind, please leave, Ben."
Ben walks to you. "Have I done something to offend you?"
"What? No, not at all, it's just...look it's just me."
"Just you?" Ben walked closer to you. "What does that mean?"
Ben looked deep into your eyes and you into his. You began to get lost in them. "Ben I... I can't do this..."
"Do what?"
You couldn't hold back anymore. "I love you, Benjamin Tallmadge..." you quickly walk away from him and Billy walks in. "Mr. Tallmadge, the General wishes to have a word with you."
Your back is to Ben, "Go, Ben..." Ben and Billy leave the tent.
Your heart ways heavy, you couldn't believe you just said that. To him! You hoped he would forget it and push it aside, you had to distract yourself. You began the letter to Anna. Every word you wrote was what you wished you could say to Ben.
Later that night, Ben walked into your tent, you avoided eye contact. "Hello, Ben."
"Can you look at me? Please?"
You stand up from your desk and walk to him. "I hope we aren't going to talk about what I last said to you."
"Yes, we are going to discuss that...because," he walked towards you. "Now I know why you have been avoiding me, and now you know why I have been trying to get close to you..."
You looked at Ben, "What?"
"You heard me, [y/n]..."
You walked closer to Ben. "You love me?" You are standing right in front of Ben. You decided to be bold. "Kiss me..."
"Not now, not here..."
"Ben, please, just kiss me..."
"We-we can't do this here." Ben whispered softly, you could feel his breath on your lips.
"Then, then where?" You look up into his eyes. "Ben? Then where, Ben?"
Ben starred at your lips and quickly backed away, turning his back to you and placing his hand on his face.
"Ben..." you could barley speak. You clenched your fists, you love this wondered if he really loved you the same way, the thought made you want to tear up, clenching your fists helped to hold back the tears. "Ben, I have to request that you leav-"
Ben quickly turned back around to you and grabbed your head pulling you to him and pressing his lips onto yours. You released your clenched fists and let a single tear roll down your check, a tear of happiness. Ben pulled back from the ever so sweet and strongly passionate kiss. "[Y/N], I love you so- so very much." He said looking deep into your eyes.
You walked backwards a small two steps. "Ben..." you pause, "I walk at night, because you keep me awake."
"You have kept me up at night too." He stepped closer to you, two steps. "You know, I am loyal to you, right [y/n]?" He took your hands in his. "Forever."
Your heart flooded with emotion; happiness, joy, relief, and passion. You and Ben leaned into each other and kissed wildly. Some kisses were long others short with little break in between. Ben began walking forward and wrapped his arms around you, he picked you up and the two of you fell into the small cot.
"Ben, tonight I'm yours."
"And I am yours." Ben smiled, as he pulled out his member.
You awoke the next morning to see Ben at your side. You quickly realized the sun was rising and that Ben had to sneak out of your tent. Now! "Ben." You shake him. "Ben, wake up."
Ben quickly got dressed and you stuck your head out the tent. "All clear." You smile at Ben, he kisses your check.
You later walked out your tent and got called to see the General, he wanted you to go to battle with him. You said yes but as a dragoon in Bens regiment. He approved.
You walked into your tent and your heart sank. "Anna..."
She was holding the letter you had written to him, Ben.
"This is beautiful, [y/n], this is-" she paused, she looked to you "it's so real."
"Thank you-"
"We can use this as the letter for the relationship we 'have', the false information."
"That's just a draft, let me-" You reached for the letter and Anna held it away from you. "This is fine on its own."
"Anna, please."
She smirked a bit. "Oh my- [y/n]? Is this real?"
You paused. "Yes, I am...seeing...someone."
"That's great [y/n], who is it? Do I know them?"
"You know them."
Ben walked into the tent. "Anna, [y/n], I have the letter you wanted." Ben handed Anna the letter and saw the one in her other hand. "Can I read that?" Anna handed it to Ben. Ben looked at you, and smiled. "Beautiful."
"You two?" Anna smiled. "Well, you two need to wright in code, but I'm still taking this one."
You smiled, she wasn't going to tell. "Thank you, Anna."
"Oh please, you two are perfect for each other." Anna hugged you both and left out the tent.
"You liked the letter?" You asked Ben.
"I loved it, just as I do you." He kissed your lips, and you kissed back. And now, together in the world of spying, being secret lovers and now, in battle. Together, forever.

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