Male Reader x Simcoe: I cant wait anymore

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Part One
[A/N] Guys! I'm excited for this one! This was a request, they will be anonymous but I will say I love this one! I might make another one but like with a character from Hamilton. Enjoy!
You had it hard working multiple jobs. But, you had siblings to look after. You worked as a farmer in the morning, a tailor from the end of the morning to noon, and finally a blacksmith from the end of the afternoon till the sunsets at night.
Your schedule was always full but you had small time in between each job to have fun with you little brother and sister, even to stop and get a drink.
You found women saw you as very attractive, you personally didn't see it but you did find one thing about you different. You liked men. You knew you would need to find a wife soon, but you figured working a lot would be a good excuse.

Today was rather hot, you just finished up planting the last of the Apple and Orange seeds in the field. You walked to a water bucket a cow just drank from and dumped it on your head, [Y/H/C] hair sparkled in the sun as it beat on your head.
You jogged over to the tavern to get a drink. You walked in the doors to see a bunch of Red Coats. "Hey, Mrs. Strong..." you mumbled
"[Y/N]." Anna Strong greeted you.
"Finished in the fields? Already?"
"The heat is a big motivator to finish quickly."
Anna set down a big jug of beer, she placed one hand on her hip and the other on the table as she leaned on it. "I took the kids to school, they were sad you couldn't take them."
"I can't get them today either, I have-"
"The man is over working you, [Y/N]!" Anna raised her voice. "[Y/N], look at you, you've gone thin. Get off early. I will tell him myself!"
"I'll ask him, I'll be quick seeing as you have-" you turned around to see a tall man in a powdered wig and red coat walk in. Pale, shining blue eyes and a... bold look to him. "company..." you whispered as you grabbed your drink. You found this man quite attractive and began to chug the beer. You finished and quickly sat up and rushed past the red coat, locking eyes with him and quickly looking away. "Thank you, Mrs. Strong!" You yelled as you closed the tavern door.
"Don't think about him, [Y/N]." You say to yourself as you rush over to the tailor shop.

You finish up fitting a man for a suit, as he gets ready to leave some men walk in. "Good sir." They greeted the owner of the tailor shop. "We need just some touch ups on our uniforms." Spoke one of the men. You notice one of them is the man with the icy-blue eyes. Your face turns slightly pink but not too noticeable.
"My apprentice will assist you, [Y/N]!" The owner called to you. You walked over. "I can help you gentle men, but only one at a time. This is a small shop."
"Sounds good." Spoke one of the men.
"Splendid." Said the cute man, his eyes were...amazing to you. "I shall go last, I don't mind waiting." He then quickly exited.
You tailored to the other men, just small restitching and quick adjustments.
They all gave poor tips, one didn't give you a tip. Then, we walked in. "Just some minor adjustments, please." His voice was, well, you couldn't describe his voice, it was unique and sweet and...
"Sir?" He Asked
"Oh, yes! Stand here please." You stuttered.
You quickly began. You didn't want awkward silence. "What is your name?"
"John. John Graves Simcoe. Call me John, and what is your name?"
"[Y/F/N], call me [Y/N]."
You finish up. "All done."
"You are a quick worker, maybe I shall see you again?"
"Well, Setauket is a small town."
"Good, you seem amble build, we might need more soldiers." He then walked out the door.
He puzzled you. You want to talk to him but he seems...distant.
Time went by slowly but you walked over to the blacksmiths and that felt long. As you were finishing up and in good time too, two men came in with two horses. One was John. "I didn't expect to see you so soon." He commented. "Major Hewlett this is, [Y/N]."
"Good evening Major, and John. How can I help?"
"I know it's late but can we get them shoe horns."
"Yes, I'll get it done tonight." You went to grab the rope from John's hands and brushed you hand on his, you quickly pulled away. Beginning to sweat. "Goodnight Major, and John. I will have them ready for tomorrow morning. They will be fine here."
The Major gave you a nod and quickly left, John lingered a bit, looking at you then following the Major.
You quickly finished your work and began walking home. You rushed in the door and the house was quiet. Your sister and brother already asleep in there beds. "Goodnight." You whispered as you blew out the candle.
The next day you gave the Major his horses and continued to see John around town. At the same time your best friend Selah Strong joined the Rebels. You looked to you siblings, you wanted them to be free, you wonders if you should join the fight. Selah soon had a man contact you and you became a spy. As a tailor and blacksmith you can work up chapter among the men. You got good at it, but, you found you never bothered Simcoe, John for information. He had a reputation now, a scary man. You found him unpredictable and cute.
One night as you finished up weighting a letter in code you heard footsteps at the door. You quickly hid the paper under some hay, John Graves Simcoe entered.
"Hello, bad time?" He said
"No, just finished up, 'bout to head home." You found you always stuttered around him, being nervous from emotion and the whole, spy deal.
"I wanted to, talk to you. It seems-" He is close to the hay pile. "we only make small talk. You chat with others like you have known them all your life. I must admit you, confused me. You still do. How do you fancy, me?"
Is he? What do I say? You think to yourself. Be forward. You think. "Well, I have fancied you for a long time." You walk close to him. You also lead him away from the hay pile. "I..."
John walks close to you. You put your hand on his chest. There is obvious tension between you two. "John..."
"I can wait." He whispers into your ear. "I will wait." He then walks out the smith shop. You fall to the floor, you have millions of thoughts running in your head.
Some days pass, the stakes are high, for the town of Setauket and for you and Simcoe. He visits you at the blacksmith late at night to talk. He also helps you work a bit. You can leave early now and visit with your siblings because of him. You are getting closer to him, trusting him. But, can he trust you?
The trial, Simcoe shot Caleb Brewster's Uncle. Family. You put that in your spy notes, Johns unstableness can be didn't want to give information on him...but the revels were pressing you.
John walked into the smith shop. "John. You can't be in here, not now after-" he pressed his lips onto yours.
"I can't wait anymore." You can feel him on you. "They might send me away after today. I was confused by you before, not anymore." He kisses you again, this time you kiss back and it's longer. More passionate and tender.
"This is...wrong." You whisper
"I know." John whispers back. "I know."

[A/N] Don't panic! I am making a part Two! I just. Omg. Like. Yes.

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