Male Reader x John Laurens

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[A/N] Aaaah! This wasn't a request I just felt like writing a John Laurens x reader! <3
Warning! You are reacting to John Laurens death...'s also very cheesy at the end...

It had been years sense you saw your childhood friend, John Laurens. You were a bit disturbed that your reunion would have to be in the midst of a war.
You walked into camp and you saw the freckled cutie run up to you with open arms. He embraced you in his hug, it was warm. "[y/n], it has been to long. Come! I have some friends I want you to meet."
"I agree, it has been to long, I would love to meet your friends."
John showed you to his three best friends "This is Alexander Hamilton," He was a short man with dashing looks, "This is Hercules Mulligan," a muscular hunk of a man, "and Marques De Lafayette!" A tall strapping man, very handsome. "Fellas, this is my best friend, [y/n], the one I grew up with till he moved away. How old were we?"
"I can't recall." You smiled "I am glad to be friends with you again, and I hope with you folks as well."
John and his friends escorted you to General Washington's tent, he saw you enter and stood up with a hint of a smile on his face. "Lieutenant [y/n], welcome to the army, I am so glad you decided to use your fighting skills and education."
"Thank you General, I am happy to serve this army in all the ways I can." John then wrapped his arm around your back, holding your shoulder.
You left the tent and John's friends insisted that you have a drink with them.
You got really close to them, became part of the squad, and soon, Alexander was to be married. The wedding was beautiful, the whole time you wondered if you would ever marry, then you locked eyes with John. You blushed lightly and looked away. John asked you to dance and you happily did. Johns face was slightly pink as well, you figured maybe it was the heat of the room. You stopped dancing and looked around. Everyone was happy with someone, you saw Angelica Schuyler at a balcony alone, then John happily chatting away with Mulligan and Lafayette. You walked to Angelica and she smiled. "Enjoying the wedding?"
"I suppose. I got to dance with John. Are you enjoying the wedding?"
She paused for a long time. "Yes."
You gave her one look and she let go of a single tear.
After the wedding, you and the gang got supper waisted drunk. John and you walked home, as you dropped John off at his house he grabbed your hand. "What were you and Angelica talking about? On the balcony?"
"She is trouble...and so am I...not with each other though."
"You? Love trouble? Women drool when they see you."
"I don't drool when I see them, I like... goodnight John."
"Wait! I fancy you, I am afraid of that! Do you fancy me?"
You smiled, quickly sobering up seeing John shed a single tear. "I do, I don't know these feelings inside me, it's scares me but, I enjoy it. We can make the fear go away, together." John hugged you tightly, he collapsed in your arms, you took him to bed, and left his home with the biggest smile on your face.
You quickly sent a letter to John, signed
Your one and true, only love, [y/n]
And John quickly wrote you back, signed
Your dearest, only love, John
You felt butterfly's with every letter, and with every word you read and wrote back to him your love grew, never had your heart felt so light and free!
John tried his best not to hug you to much around the others, you and John wanted to keep the relationship on the down low.
You and John would walk the fields at night and look up at the stars and talk politics and poetry, the war and freeing the slaves. You two would hold hands, and finally you felt it was the perfect time to kiss.
The kiss was soft and passionate, sweet and long lasting. You felt your heart pounding in your chest, John kissed you again making your heart explode into fireworks of every color.
The battle of Yorktown, Laurens headed to South Carolina and you stayed behind to fight along side Hamilton, Washington, and Lafayette.
Cannon fire flooded the air, bullets flew faster than the wind, ships sinking, the fight drag in for a week. And on the final day, you aimed to shoot a man about to hit Washington, not seeing the red coat aiming for you...the bullet went straight threw your chest, three the heart, the last thought on your mind was about John Laurens, how would he react? How could you die? You can't die, not yet, you never got to spend more time with him.
As you walked into a white room to see a golden gate, you hesitated, John... you wanted to go back.
You stood there for what felt like a long time...
You turned around to see, John, smiling at you. He grabbed your hand. You walked in, together as every letter you wrote to each other flew past you both from the other side of the gate as you walked in.

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