Reader x Hewlett: You are my new star

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Reader x Hewlett- Turn
[A/N] this wasn't a request, but yee. Hope you enjoy;)
You weren't the best person in Setauket, you married a man who soon died of illness. People just assumed you had something to do with it, you were forced to wed him, he was fifty and you only twelve. Thankfully he died shortly after the wedding. But, people just didn't talk to you. Your parents were rude and cruel, they wanted you to marry again but you wished not too. Then, the revolution began, you wanted to join. The freedom! A chance for women to be more! A way to escape! Your parents played the gray card, not picking a side. You became friends with Mary Woodhull and her husband Abraham.
You watched as Red Coats flooded into Setauket. They turned the church into a stable. Selah was soon arrested and you wanted to help...but what could you do?
You walked from your home past the church and to the tavern everyday. You wanted to help Anna as much as you could after Selah left. You could always talk to her about your dreams of fighting.
You noticed that there was a man, a Major. He would stand outside the church as you walked by. Soon, he started to appear in the tavern.
You would nod at each other and smile, it was kind to smile and nod back to him. You soon began to think he was kind of cute too. He wasn't like the other soldiers. He was quite and calm, collected.
After a while, trouble appeared. His horse was killed and they demanded every weapon. You had to give him your two pistols and hunting rifle. You were reluctant, but you had to give em' up.
It was then, Anna came to you with an idea, an offer. You would join a spy ring. Abraham had something special for you. He set your home on fire, you said it must have been an ascendent, that your horse got spooked and nocked over a lantern. You turned to the Major for help, that was the plan, get close to him.
You walked up to the Major as he looked at the burnt rubles of your home. "Major? I hate to ask for help," you say "but, my horse Eros needs a place to stay, I'd ask my parents but we aren't on the best of terms...can he stay in the church?"
The Major looks into your eyes, he clearly feels sorry. "Yes, he can. You named him...Eros?"
"Yes, after-"
He cuts you off. "The angel, also known as Cupid. Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt."
You smile. "No, it's fine. I admire the...anyways, thank you so much. How can I repay you?"
"No, it's out of kindness. Do you have a place to stay?"
You look to the ground. "No, not really."
He curls his lip a bit thinking. "Come with Miss-?"
"[Y/N], Major."
"Come with me Miss [Y/N]."
You smile and follow, guiding Eros to the church and then to White Hall. "Richard!" He calls out. "Oh, [Y/N]." Richard says hugging you. He was one of few who didn't look at you like a criminal, he new your long dead husband was ill. "I heard about what happened, what spooked Eros?"
"I'm not sure, I..." you stop.
"Uh, Richard, I hope you don't mind but could Miss [Y/N] stay here, until her home rebuilds?"
"Oh yes, she is a sweet girl, a kind one. She had never lied all her life. Please, you practically grew up here. Pick a room."
You did practically grew up here, you played with Thomas and Abraham as kids. You picked a small room.
You thanked the Magistrate and the Major, you got ready for bed. "He was right, you never lied, then the war began, lying would soon be your life, it really was already, hiding your wanting to fight.
You woke up and helped the maids cook. You walked out with a tray of food to see the Major and Abraham. "Welcome, come eat." You set the food on the table.
"Thank you [Y/N]." Spoke the two of them at the same time. The Magistrate soon came in. "I could smell your cooking from my room. Mary to came in with little Thomas. "Mary." You said giving her a hug. "I am so sorry, is Eros okay?"
"Thankfully." You reply.
"Eat up, but more is on its way!" You run into the kitchen to get the last of it. You sit down adjacent to the Major. "Tell me, how long have you had Eros?" He asks you.
"He was a gift from Mary and Abraham when I got married. My husband died shortly after, illness, the poor old man." You quickly change the subject. "I enjoyed the stories of Eros and Psyche as a girl, my grandfather told me all about the Greeks and Romans and stars. It was amazing."
"You enjoy stars?"
"Yes, I wish I could see them better, but, from here, I still admire them."
The Major smiled. "Well, I can tell you more about them, I even have something shopping in. You might like it."
You give Abraham a quick glance and smirk. "I would enjoy that Major."
You then dig in as well as the others.
A few days pass and you and the Major chat about the stars, you talk about undiscovered stars and he says he wants to discover a new star, one not yet charted or mapped.
You and the Major walk past your parents home and they see you. The Major leaves your side to go buy some apples for the horses. They quickly run up to you.
"Oh [Y/N], the Major?" Your mother says. "You better hope this one doesn't die. You will curse this name." Your father says in a rude tone.
"You wanted me to marry?"
"A poor nobody, so if they die no one will care or know. You will get that man killed, the last one had sudden illness after all." Your mother grumbles
"You know what, I actually like him. He listens to me, and finds I am smart and worth talking to." You run off and meet up with the Major, he holds a basket full of apples.
You walk into the church and begin to feed your horses. You with yours and him with his.
"Please, um, call me Edmund."
"Edmund." You blush, feeling your face turn red. He soon takes you back to White Hall and tells you he has a surprise. You get there and see a telescope. "A telescope!" You squeak.
"You know what it is, great."
"My grandfather had one but it was broken, this one..." you look at him hoping he finished your sentence. "Works." He finishes
"He guides you to it and you look inside. You can see it all the stars and a galaxy. "It's so beautiful, I can see...everything...I hope we can find a star of our own." You keep looking in the scope.
"I hope so too." Edmund says looking at you, pure love in his eyes, sweet.
You pull away and see Orion's belt. "Look, Edmund!" You point to it. "Orion's belt!"
You look in awe, soon you realize, the frown.
"[Y/N], What is it?" Edmund asks concerned.
"Oh it's just, no one really cared. I've been, really practically ignored and disliked by the town... then, you show up, so kind and..." you look to him. "Loving."
He leans close to you. You push your lips onto his and kiss in a soft embrace. You quickly pull away. "I am so sorry!"
"It's okay, [Y/N], really. Shall I walk you home."
You blush, you'll come up with something else for the ring, you care about Edmund to much now to spill any tea. "You shall."
He takes your hand and escorts you inside.
Then, it happens. Your in a chair with a gun to your head, Edmund comes down the stairs and is taken away from you.
As he is dragged away all you can do is scream his name. Feeing your heart sink and weigh heavy. Your stomach feels like a pit.
People look at you more than ever. There is distrust between you and Abraham. You are all alone.
You think about Edmund every night, the Magistrate tries to comfort you but you can only cry. You go to Caleb and beg him to find Edmund.
Still nothing. Your hair is a mess. You can think or cook, you try to work but keep messing up. You don't even look at the sky.
You walk home alone to a house where his room is empty, and everyday it breaks your heart more and more.
You unlock the door the tavern after closing, ready to head home. You come face to face with Edmund. Your heart fills with life and overwhelming happiness you break into tears. You hug him tight and he you. You cry into his arms. "I feared you would never return. I was so..."
He lifts your face and kisses you. You missed those lips. Your eyes closed, the kiss is long and sweet. He pulls away. "I lived because everyday I kept you in my mind."
You smiled as he wiped away a tear. "Can we find your star now?"
"You are my new star." He kisses you again and slips a wood ring into you hand. You now you are going to say, yes.

[A/N] Was this long? I hope it wasn't too long. I hope you liked it. I personally find Hewlett as one of my favorites.
Please send me requests! :)

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