Caleb Brewster x Reader

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I haven't written for Caleb at all, wow. This goes to ItJustWorks1917 who requested this a long time ago. Thank you so much.

I was listening to the same three songs over and over again while writing this, those songs being: Roslyn from twilight, by Bon Iver and St. Vincent, Boat on the River by Styx, as well as Fairytale by Alexander Rybak, if ya'll wanna give them a listen while reading. Up to you. :)

I did rush it just a little bit but I hope you enjoy everyone. Have a splendid day.


"I remember that day. It was a cold autumn day. Chilly. I remembered laying in the grass with my best friend. I was 13, he was 14. He gave me his jacket and gave me a dandelion he had just picked from the grass next to him. He put it in my hair and leaned towards my ear, 'Sunflower' he whispered. It was the moment I had realized I was learning to fall in love. Learning to fall in love with my best friend, Caleb Brewster.

A boy who grew into a wild, insane bearded man. A charmer. My charmer. To most it seemed like a close friendship. Maybe that is how he views me, just a little sister.

I don't want to be his 'little sister' anymore. I want something more. So much more than that." You finished writing before closing your diary. Setting the diary on your nightstand. You quickly got up and ready for the day. You stretched out your arms and crawled out of bed. Another tavern day in quaint little Setauket.

You put on a fabric choker of silk, once gifted to you by Caleb. He got the silk on the London trade and had your sister in-law, Anna make it to a choker. Anna was more like a sister before she ever married your brother Selah. You went down stairs and grabbed a biscuit.

"Morning sister."

"You sound grumpy, brother." you said brother in a deep voice, almost mocking Selah for being so formal with family. "I see Sasscoe is here already." You whisper seeing as Simcoe was outside the door with Captain Joyce, Roberson and two others. "That man, he gives me the chills."

"I have to agree." joined Anna as you finished the biscuit. "Let us open the door. Shall we?" Anna walked to the door and unlocked it. Letting the men in. "ALE!" Shouted Roberson.

You went to get the ale, almost rolling your eyes, it wasn't even seven and they want a drink. You brought the drinks to the men. "Thank ya' kindly doll." Roberson said with spit leaving his mouth. You grind then started to turn away when Simcoe lightly held your arm, "Miss Strong, some sherry for me please."

"Aye, right away sir." You pull away and quickly to get the sherry. You decided to bring him the bottle so you wouldn't have to see him as often. Simcoe gave you the creeps. He sent chills up your spine. You felt like he was always watching you. It bothered you how much he just looks at you...his eyes follow you all the time. Thankfully the tavern got busy helping the time go by and not focus on Simcoe's unwanted gaze. Abraham then walked in the door. "Abraham?" you whisper, he and Selah begin to chat when Anna came down the stairs. You figured it was just none of your business because it was most likely about crop, Abe's cabbages. Selah had informed you that he got word that Abe's cabbage had maggots.

"Miss Strong more Ale!" yelled some random citizen of Setauket. As you walked to bring the ale you heard crashing and yelling. You turn to see Selah and Abraham. Abe was telling captain Joyce to remove his coat. He was getting them off your brother Selah and onto himself instead.

"...Selah in now on the Jersey. A prison ship. I fear he will not survive long in there. I have heard many bad things about that ship. Now Simcoe has requested to stay at Strong Manor. I have taken to sharing a room with Anna. Sometimes we can hear Simcoe outside our door. I have no clue as to whom he is lusting after. Me or Anna. Or both of us I am beginning to fear. He has special requested his laundry from me, and even wants to eat with me when he returns. I was glad to hear from Abe that he ran into Caleb. Abe promised me that Simcoe wouldn't be a problem. He also told me Caleb told him to tell me, Hi. It is so funny that just one little 'hi' can make my heart flutter. I can almost hear his voice saying it to me. I miss him so much."

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