"Jinja? Waaahh..."

"How about your paintings? And how was it there in America?"

"It was good. But I wanted to stay with Eomma and pursue my career here. America felt alien to me."

"You are lucky your parents let you do what you wanted to and then there is me. My parents want me to be a prosecutor but I want to be a writer. They would not hear a no for that case."

"Yaa! Don't be sad. You'll find a way."

"Right as if I can." Yeona shrugged.

"We should head our homes. Your mother must be waiting to see her daughter and I don't want her to wait because of me." Yoena continued.

"Nae. Jalga."


Yeona returned home and threw herself on her bed and closed her eyes. Her mind traced back to those puppy eyes she had seen hidden behind those curly bangs. She still couldn't think of any reason why his voice sounded so familiar. She rolled on her bed and finally decided to take a quick shower.Yeona went in her bathroom and washed herself singing BTS songs at the top of her voice.

Her parents weren't home yet, allowing her to be herself. She came back wrapping a towel around her body, turned the blinds in her room down and stood in front of a BTS poster that hung on her room wall. There were numerous BTS posters around her room, but not one was original. Her parents were very strict about spending money on things that didn't include basic necessities of life.

"Anni. You can't buy anything. Be a prosecutor, earn yourself and then buy whatever you want to buy. Your Appa and Eomma work hard everyday to manage our household and your studies. We can't afford to buy anything else other than the necessities." Yeona's mother would say everytime she asked to buy any BTS merch.

Yeona combed her hair as she stared at the boys in the poster, smiling all their heart out radiating positivity. She looked and looked and finally something struck her mind.
Those eyes...

'Was it...Kim...no! Michyeosso? How can that be?' She brushed aside her thoughts and dressed up in her night suit before she caught a cold.

Yeona sat on her table and yawned, it was time for her to hit the bed but before that she had to write in her diary. She pulled her bag towards her and nonchalantly looked through it for her precious diary. She moved her hands but nothing like a diary hit her hand. Her eyes grew shot open, all her tiredness far gone.

"Where have I kept it?" She cried out.
She looked all around her place but her diary was nowhere to be seen.

"I am so screwed!" Yeona cursed herself.


Yeona had turned her room into a mess looking for her diary. She remembered having the diary in her bag when she was in the taxi going to the airport. She never parted with her diary and carried it everywhere she went, it was a part of her. She thought of having it dropped in the taxi or maybe it was with Eunji? Maybe she found it?

Immediately she called Eunji. Eunji picked up after five rings.

"Yeoboseyo..." Her voice was heavy from sleep.

"Eunji its me Yeona."

"Mmm? Say..."

"Eunji do you have my diary? Did you see it? Did you find it and pick it up?" Yeona's voice shaking.

"What diary? I don't have anything."
Eunji said in her half sleep.

"I must have dropped it somewhere! Ottukhe!" Yeona was almost on the verge of crying.

"Is that your personal diary you are talking about?" Eunji finally seemed to wake up.

"Nae! And thats why am so worried. Its so embarrassing if someone reads it!"
"No one will read it."

"What if they do?" Yeona panicked.

"Not like they can recognize you by your writing in the public!"

"Aaahh... I am going crazy!"

"Calm down and think properly. You might remember where you dropped it."

Yeona gasped.

"Yeona? What happened? Gwenchana?"

"The man...with...the man behind the mask?" She broke into a cold sweat.


Hello readers. We hope you liked the first chapter of our story. We are new and will try our best to make the story a good one. We'll try to upload new chapters twice a week. We apologize for any mistakes in the story. Please provide us with any suggestions you may find necessary.

Where do you think is Yeona's diary? It is where she thinks it is? Will someone read her diary?
Stay tuned to know what happens next. Have a great day :)

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