"Is he the little brother?! He's so precious!" 2 women came running towards me and there was a twinkle in their eyes as they looked at me.

Oh no.

They were about to tackle me and pinch my cheeks but I screamed and immediately ran to the stairs.

"You what?!" All 3 of my older brothers came out of the kitchen and looked at me with furrowed brows.

"Who are those crazy women?! Are they descendants of Luna Rose?!" I asked back and scooted away from them because they were about to catch me again.

My older brothers looked at the 2 women with such a loving expression and I immediately knew who they were.

"They're your mates." I said with shock and placed both of my hands on my mouth.

"Hi! I'm Evie and I'm Dustin's mate!" She exclaimed and stepped closer to the stairs. She was taller than me and her hair color was brown. Her eyes were the same color as her hair and she really had nice brows.

"Don't come closer." I warned her but she just cheekily smiled at me and her hands were getting ready for some pinching.

What is up with you people and pinching?!

"Hi! I'm Chloe and I'm Jake and Xavier's mate! Evie and I are best friends." She added and looked at me like I was a 6 year old kid. She was also taller than me and she had blonde hair. Her eyes were Hazel and her skin was the shade of light brown.

"Oh my God! You look so cute! Your older brothers were telling us about you when you were away." She began, and she also took a step on the stairs.

"Okay. You can go back to them now. Hahahaha." I laughed nervously when I saw their eyes and I immediately looked back at my older brothers to ask for help.

They squinted their eyes at me and saw the marks on my body.

"Lyle Gabriel Hattaway, you what?" Xavier asked and folded his arms across his chest. Evie and Chloe took another step up the stairs and I took a step back.

"Okay, I'll tell you later. For now, why don't we introduce ourselves first?" I smiled innocently but they were having none of it.

"We already told them everything about you, little brother. So, tell us now." Dustin smiled mockingly at me and waited for my answer.

"I'll count to three." Panic rose to my chest and I gaped at them.

"This isn't how you do introductions you know?!" I complained and mind linked Adrian to ask him to hurry up.

"Mom! I need some help here?" I pointed to all of them and Mom just smiled at me.

"Evie and Chloe are very kind, I'm sure you'll love them." She said and the 2 thanked Mom before they turned their attentions back to me.

"Mom!" I protested and she just hummed a tune before going to the kitchen.

"Ah, your voices are just like music to my ears." She said happily and continued to prepare some tea.

"3" Jake started and I was already on the 2nd floor so there was no way to escape Evie and Chloe.


"I have presents?" I tried to distract them but they just stared at me boringly.

"1" As soon as he said that, Adrian came inside the room.

"Catch!" I shouted at him to catch me before I immediately jumped from the 2nd floor of the house.

All their eyes widened at me and their mouths hanged open as I glided towards Adrian. He was taken by surprise but he catches me effortlessly because I weighed almost nothing to him.

Love In The Moonlight (BXB)Where stories live. Discover now