Chapter 11~Yellow Daisy

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OMG you’re going to LOVVVVVE this chapter so much!  I won’t give anything away, just read :D

And I hope you like the new title, “She Has No Idea”.  You’ll understand the meaning of the title at the end of the book!

Xoxo NB


Whenever I go to the Colossal Records, Big Time Rush always has their recording time scheduled right before mine, which is good because I don’t have to face James except occasionally when I see him leaving.  Ever since I began bringing in iced coffees for myself every morning, Tanner has ALWAYS been at the front door with two iced coffees, one for me and one for him.  I swear he read my journal when I left it in his office that day.

Today, Tanner wasn’t at the front door with two coffees.  I sighed, disappointed, and went straight to my locker where my Guitar was.  I told Tanner that there was a high chance that I would forget my guitar every morning if I stored it at home, so he gave me one of the lockers right outside of the recording studio.  I reached for the lock on my locker and jumped when I caught a vibrant yellow blob was stuck in the crevice of my locker.

I gasped when I saw that it was a yellow daisy.  Was it a yellow daisy?  Or was my mind just playing ticks on me?  No, it was a real live daisy, not a scratch on any of the perfectly aligned petals.  I carefully removed it from the crevice and held it close to my heart.  I guess Tanner did take the time to read my crazy journal.  I stuck it in my hair gently like a hair clip, a wide smile spread across my face.

I had to thank him, I just had to.  I got my guitar, shut my locker, and began walking, almost skipping to Tanner’s office.

Along the way, I spotted James hurrying by.  He took a second to wave at me with a flashy smile.  I held back the feeling to roll my eyes at him and waved back halfheartedly. 

I expected to find Tanner sitting in his office chair, humming to a newly discovered tune or strumming his guitar or organizing documents or at least twiddling his thumbs.  He wasn’t there today which set me back a little bit.  Instead, I spotted a note placed in the middle of his desk that was addressed to me.  It said:

Dear Dilly,

I had to leave this morning for family reasons.  I’m really sorry for the complication.  You have the whole day off today.  Don’t worry; we’ll get right back to work on your #1 album tomorrow.



So I was disappointed that I didn’t get to tell Tanner thank you for the gorgeous daisy, but I was also excited that I have a break now.

I hurried back home.  I’m not sure why I hurried back home.  I mean, I have the whole day off…one whole day to myself!  Who gets those anymore?  Maybe now Lillian and I can have some girl-to-girl bonding time and catch up on everything because, frankly, I have no clue what’s going on in her life right now.

I sighed when I flipped the lights on and found that the apartment was empty.  Lillian’s probably out filming, I guess.  So much for bonding time.  I looked around the room to find something to do.  I spotted the “Entertainment Weekly” magazine, you know, the one with the big fat lie about James and I.  I just realized that I haven’t even read the article yet.  Should I read it?  I don’t know.  It’ll probably give me the strong urge to drive over to James’ house and punch him.  Whatever, I’ll read it anyways.

I flipped the magazine open and scanned through the contents, finding that it’s on the 23rd page.  There were multiple photos of different celebrity couples.  I could tell which ones were real and which ones were fake.  Yes, I can tell the difference between real love and bogus.  Looks like Usher and his new girlfriend are pretty fake like James and I.  When my eyes ran over the picture of James and me, I wanted so badly to laugh at the horrible picture, but I couldn’t.

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