Chapter 19~The Truth-Part 1

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Dilly, I need to tell you something.

The tone of voice he used to say that made my heart jolt for a second.  It sounded serious, and, coming from Carlos, it must be pretty serious if Carlos sounds serious.

“What is it Carlos?” I crossed my arms, finally paying attention.

“It’s James.  He—he lied.”

“James lied about what?”  James David Maslow…lying?  Nooo…..I thought he was next to perfect!

“Well…two things.  James’ dancer for the ‘Music Sounds Better with U’ routine didn’t really have a family problem.  She is a friend of James, and she agreed to lie so you would dance with James.”

It was almost as if my heart was hit with a hammer.  It was definitely punctured, but it wasn’t broken. 

Carlos continued hesitantly, “Also, that editor guy, Jess?  He told James that it was ok for you guys to split a long time ago, but James told us to keep it a secret from you.”

I could almost feel my throbbing heart as it caved in.  I tried to inhale for some oxygen, but my lungs closed up.  It didn’t take long for a sting to appear in my eyes too.  My blurred eyes caught the sight of James, who doesn’t look too sickly anymore.  I loved him for…what?  5 minutes?  And he somehow found a way to ruin it.  Again.

Carlos looked at me with an apologetic expression, “I’m sorry, Dilly.  I didn’t mean for it to hurt you.”

I pushed past him, “It’s not your fault, Carlos.”

And it wasn’t.  It wasn’t his fault that I’m heart-broken for the first time in my life, and it only took a few minutes for it to happen.  It was James’ fault for this whole mess…James and his unimaginable selfish characteristics.  I guess I can’t trust celebrities after all.  I was an idiot to allow myself to trust them in the first place.


After my run-in with Carlos, everything was a blur.  I didn’t see James at all for the rest of the night, and I was glad about that.  Everything sped by like a sports car.  I wasn’t really listening to anything going on around me.  I was too busy thinking about keeping my mind off of James…if that makes any sense.  Eventually, I was almost literally placed inside of a limo with Lillian by my side, luckily not James.  We were going to our hotel, our makeshift beds, since all flights out of Ohio were canceled due to the blizzard.  I looked out the tinted window and observed as the raging flakes of snow swirled around us in a steady, rhythmic motion.  A single tear ran down my cheek as the thought of my arms curled around James’ freezing body crossed my mind. 

I wiped the tear away.  No more crying about James.  He’s not worth it.

Lillian had to help me in the hotel, for my body was numb and almost useless.  I don’t think she has a clue what is going on with me, but she never questioned it, so I didn’t bring it up.  She carried two suit cases and a small duffel bag while I just had my purse.  Cruel, I know, but I just couldn’t bring myself to help her.

I was told that Lillian and I are staying in one hotel room.  James and Kendall are staying in the second room and Carlos and Logan are occupying the third.  Guess what?  I’m stuck right in the middle.  Yippee.

I guess I’ll just have to lock myself in my hotel room for the whole night.

Or maybe not.

As soon as I entered the room, I noticed how cold it was.  I changed the heat to full blast, but nothing would calm my tremors.  Once I was finished scavenging the drawers and closets for a huge blanket and didn’t find one, I fell onto my bed and picked up the phone to call the lobby.  No one answered.  I called again.  No answer.  Seriously?  You would think that after coming back from performing at a concert and getting your heart broken, I would at least get some decent service at a freaking hotel?  I guess the world doesn’t revolve around me.  Ever.

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