Chapter 5~The Worst Date in the History of Mankind

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Best chapter yet… You’ll love it  :D

I woke up to sunlight flooding through my blinds.  Wait a second…what?  How did I get here?  Wasn’t I just at a party?! 

I sat up quickly, immediately regretting it.  I massaged my throbbing forehead, realizing that it was actually a bruise.  What was wrong with me?  I couldn’t be hung over; I know exactly how that feels and I’ll never drink that much again.  All I know is that I feel like crap.

I slowly got up this time, realizing that I was in my own room, in my own pj’s, and that it was morning.  Who dressed me?  I shook my head and entered the family room where Lillian sat on the couch, writing song lyrics.  She looked up from her book, an expression of relief washing over her face.

“Dilly!  You’re awake!” she got up and pulled me into a tight hug, nearly squeezing all of my guts out of me.  Remember that my body isn’t in the mood for hugs at the moment.

“Yeah, I am awake.   What’s the big deal?  And what happened last night?”

“Last night?  Dilly, you were passed out last night!  Actually, you were out cold for two-and-a-half days!”

I froze.  Even my heart froze for a second.  “What?”

Lillian sighed, “Dilly, at the party last night, the guy sitting next to you spiked your drink.  I saw it with my own eyes.  I looked away for a second and when I looked back, you and he were gone-”

It was all coming back to me now, the wooziness I felt after only three drinks, the creep named Andrew who dragged me into the corner of the building, probably planning on taking advantage of me in a helpless state.

“When I found you on the floor and him with his hand covering his eye, I propped you up and basically almost dragged you to my car and I took you home.”

“Thanks Lillian for…I guess saving my life,” I hugged her, not as tight as she hugged me.

“You’re quite welcome,” she smiled.  There was something about her smile though, that seemed to be hiding something.  Something more must have happened that night.  I let it slide though.  Lillian is the person I trust the most.

I almost jumped when someone knocked on our door, the knock interrupting my thoughts.  I answered it, frowning when I saw James standing there.  As soon as he saw me, a tiny dose of shock showed up on his face, but it faded as quickly as it showed up.   He cleared his throat, “Do you want to go out somewhere tonight?”

As soon as those words spilled out of his mouth, I had a strong urge to slap him across the face, but instead I left his pretty boy face the way it is and slammed the door.  Lillian looked at me funny when I came back in the family room and plopped myself on the couch without a word.

“What was that about?” she questioned anyways.

“James asked me out, so I slammed the door in his face.  That’s all.”

“Oh,” she nodded her head and looked back at her pink studded notebook. 

It was dead silent for the next few moments.  I really had second thoughts about slamming the door in James’s face.  I mean, yeah, it was a little mean.  He only asked me out.  We’re supposed to be ‘dating’ anyways.

“I think I’m going to go,” I blurted.  I almost regretted letting it out of my mouth because Lillian immediately frowned.

“Sure, go, I don’t care,” she replied half-heartedly.

I jumped up immediately and took a quick shower (because even after two days of sleeping, my hair doesn’t exactly have a…pleasant odor).  Lillian was STILL writing in her notebook when I shouted, “Bye!” and shut the door behind me. 

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