Chapter 16~Music Sounds Better with U

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Best chapter of the whole book <3


Rehearsal sucks.  I mean, do I really have to practice again, even though A.Z. knows that there’s no chance in me “loosening up” when it comes to dancing? 

When I finished our rehearsal on stage—the last one before the real deal—my nerves crept up on me.  All the seats were empty when we practiced, but imagine when the red seats are occupied by thousands of screaming fans?  Imagine when the smoke machines are blasting at my feet and the huge lights and lasers are flashing in my eyes.  Better yet, how difficult will it be to pull off this massive lie between James and me in front of all these influenced girls?  I was shaking just thinking about it.

I thought back at what James said when he kissed me.  “It doesn’t have to be that way.  It doesn’t have to be a lie.  Just forget about the whole lie and we can date like normal people do.  I’ve had a lot of exciting events in my life, but the night you came over was the best night of my life.”

Maybe it will make the performance much easier than it sounds.  To have this whole mess off of my shoulders would be a relief.  No!  No!  No!  What am I thinking?  I would never allow James to call me his girlfriend for real.  My first date with James was the worst date in the world, and it will be that last one I have with him.  I can’t believe I even considered giving into James!

I shook my pounding head and leaned back in my chair, savoring the last few moments before the make-up or outfit crew begins to bother me.  I held my journal close to my tingling stomach.  Maybe I should write in it.  No, no, I’m to busy.


I was, in fact, not bothered by the rushing people around me.  I got so bored that I began to explore the backstage rooms.  I felt so devilish, snaking in and out from these rooms.  You see, fans aren’t allowed in these rooms.  They are just lounge rooms for before and after performance.  I shrieked when I spotted Carlos, lying in an awkward, upside-down position on a chair, snoozing away.  I guess he’s not dead since he’s snoring so loudly.  Kendall was on his stomach on the floor, also snoring quite loudly also. 

I noticed Carlos’ hat lying atop his belly and I grinned a sly smirk.  I crept over to where Carlos was awkwardly sleeping and removed the expensive -looking hat from its original position.  I then placed it gently on Kendall’s head.  To wrap up my sneaky plan, I poked the both of them, hard, and zoomed out of the room so I was out of sight.

It only took a few moments before the bickering began.  “What the heck Man?  Why did you steal my hat?  That’s my favorite one, and you know that!  Not cool, Bro.”

I stole your hat?  Carlos, I was asleep.”

“Yeah, I was too.  I may be stupid, but I’m not an idiot, Kendall.”

A pause.

“Carlos, you make absolutely no sense.”

I tried my hardest to hold in giggles as I traveled farther down the narrow hallway.  I peeked in the next room and completely regretted it.  I struggled to escape quickly enough, but James was faster.

“Oh hey, Dilly,” he exclaimed.

I hesitantly peeked my head in the door once again.  “Hi, James.”

“What’s up?”

I rolled my eyes and entered the room.  He was tying the laces to his fancy red shoes, his screen-lit phone on the table next to him.  Once he was finished, he looked up at me, a slight twinkle in his eyes…or maybe that was just the brightly-lit room.

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