Twenty-Second Entry

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Dear Diary,                                         November  13, 2017

I asked aiden what he meant  about how children are very important in the wizarding world. He then said you don't know. I said  What do i not know? he then said that having more than one child is very rare and is dangerous unless they have powerful magic for the barer because of how much of a strain it is on the persons magic to keep the baby alive and healthy and to keep the barer .. Wait I said I thought only people that have female reproduction

He then said what oh right I forgot you told us that you didn't know much about how we are on people that are lgbtq+ here anyone can get pregnant due to a potion. I then said ok didn't know that but now I do so carry  on then. He then explained  that children are rare and miscarriage's happen more often do to how much inbreed there is in purebloods to stay "pure". Oh ok thanks I said. 

I then asked about twins? he said they are rare due to the strain of  magic but why do u ask he said I said Well I am a twin and my twin is dead but I have a feeling that its a lie but I am not completely sure about that. 

He said Wait your a twin? I said yay why? He then said  twins have a hard time surviving with out the other its causes them pain do u feel it Hannah? I said yes but I learnt to ignore it over the years. He noticed that I don't want to talk about it and said Hannah have you done your homework. I said shit forgot about that so I need to go do that now good night Aiden. He then said goodnight and good luck on your homework. 

Thankfully I finished alot of it already so I only had to check it over and finish is off. Its getting late I should probably sign this of and head to  drays dorm now.  Good night diary.


Hannah Kent

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