Twenty-Fifth Entry

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Dear Diary,                                                                                                       December 2, 2017,

Today me and aiden realized that we are platonic soulmates. I was so surprised that we are platonic soulmates.

 Aiden didn't seem to be surprised when I asked why he wasn't surprised? he said I felt drawn to you and the need to protect you before you even told us your secret and when you said your secret I understood why I felt like that and its what made me reach out to you, I said oh, but why did it take me so long to figure it out? 

He said I think its because I had to gain your trust and because of your past you where scared to let me in am I right? I said yes I was scared and now  I think you know me better than I thought, He said maybe I just picked up on the subtle clues you do with out realizing it overtime. I said  oh I understand now. And its late I need to go to drays dorm now.


Hannah Kent 

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