Twenty-Eighth Entry

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Dear Diary,                                                                                                        December 20,2017

Today my sense have been on overdrive. All of  my clothes  except my  leggings and hoodie I can't stand; they make my skin craw today . My  head has been hurting today to with all my senses on overdrive. I am so thankful that winter break started. I had fun earlier in the snow having a snowball fight. Its really cold now I really need to wear more layers. Since its so cold out. Next year I am packing more warmer clothes since its so cold hear in Scotland.  

I wonder tho shouldn't their be spells that keep us from freezing here; then again Harry, Ron, Mione are cold but not as cold as me tho. Then again on the train ron was/is a human heater. He is okay with me clinging onto him since I told him and hermione awhile back now, about me being a tropical mer. Everyone here has just accepted that we do this. The slytherins let me cling onto them when we are in their common room. Since it's not safe anywhere else for me to do that. Because of the old coot. 

I wish I could find a better way to keep myself from freezing on the way to drays dorm. I am so tired of having to hope and pray that I wont pass out well hibernate  immediately  once I get to the slytherin common room then to his room at night. I should of really packed or well bought more warm pjs. Next year I will do that. 

I should mail wait I have a phone. I can just text. I am surprised it took me this long then again we have been busy with all the new and exciting adventures ;magic, and acting like I am light with Harry, Ron, and Mione. I should get started on the way to drays dorm. To my blanket stash that I have alot of to help me stay warm on the way their. I really need to invest in a portable heating blanket. Well that's for future me to do. Good Night.


Hannah Kent

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