Nineteenth Entry

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Dear Diary,                                                                                                              November 10,2017 

The slytherins asked me to tell them a secret because I am a honorary member of there house and I told them about me being a mermaid at first they didn't believe me so I asked sev to do the spell Aguamenti and he did since he knew that I knew that this would happen so he figured that I would ask him to do Aguamenti   on me.

 And the slytherins all asked how it is possible and I explained it to them then they asked about my scares I told them that scientist did this to me and they asked what is a scientist I told them it is a muggle that does experiments and is almost like potions in some ways but not all scientist are bad but it is better to be safe then sorry.

They asked about mates since I told them that mer's have a soulmate or soulmates and they asked if I have found mine I said yes but I am still looking for my other soulmate too. They asked does your mate know no they thinks of me as a sister nothing less or more.

 Then I told them about mer powers they figured I wanted to change the subject so they let me and asked me alot of questions about mer powers then they finally asked what are my powers I said healing with water and controlling  and freezing water and reading peoples  minds and then  they asked me if I have been reading there minds.

I said no only the headmasters they then asked why I said because I don't trust him and that he has been giving my friends potions and spelling them to be loyal to him and that he has tried doing that to me but they don't work on me because of the  ingredients used in them so I just act like I am loyal to him but I truly am not then.

I said that if you have any more question just come find me and ask but make sure that I am alone or that I am just with holy since she is on the dark side  like me and to make sure that there is no portraits around or ghosts. well I should head to drays dorm good night.


Hannah Kent 

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