Seventh Entry

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Dear Diary,                                                                                                   September 11, 2017

I sent a letter to the girls and Keith today. So I have to wait for them to send a letter back to me. They will probably say yes because my magic has never lied to us. Anyway, I found out what happened in Harry's first potions class and I am going to prank the Hell out of Snape.

And I can easily get the supplies for muggle pranks so that way the pranks won't wear off as fast and so that way he can't undo the spells for the pranks . My letter just came in the owlery and the girls plus Keith are alright with me telling Holly so that way my secret is easier to keep hidden.

Also that way I have someone to either help me out when I pop my tail and so that way there is someone to help with an excuse so nobody finds out. One problem is how in the world am I going to tell her that I am a mermaid . I can't just walk up to her and say I am a mermaid. She might look at me like I hit my head on something or I am high. Well I could always just talk to her privately in her room but she might not let me in when I will find a way to tell her. I should probably go to bed now.


Hannah Kent

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