Thirty-Second Entry

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Dear Diary                                                                                                                     January 2,2018

I told them. They were surprised since I decided to just tell them all together. They all told me what they were. I was surprised to find out that their was so many of them were mers like me Camron is a mer, Cassidy is one, Raven is one. Heather is a vampire. [A/n At first bite is a poison apple series that the vampires in this reality is made of but with some tweaks the can appear in pictures. But for magic users they become vampires at age 11 instead of 12 like the books.] 

I was so shocked about that and they told me that  heather and Camron are mates, raven and Cassidy are mates. They asked me who's mine or if I found them? I said yes I found one I have a feeling I have more than one and his name is Draco. Raven asked does he know I said no. Wait she said he continues  to rejects you without knowing? Yes how the fuck did you know that I said? Well my  specialty is knowing bonds raven said. Oh okay that makes sense I said. Wait is that were you been sneaking off to? Yes I have been sneaking of to  his dorm so I can sleep with out waking yall up. Wait i said what type of mers are y'all?  I said Camron said well me and Cassidy are  open ocean mer, ravens a tropical traveler mer. Cool I said I am a tropical trawler mer to. Well I am gonna head to drays dorm now night. 


Hannah Kent

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