Twenty-Ninth Entry

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Dear Diary,                                                                                                      December 23,2017

Well it happend I passed out well hibernated on my way to Drays dormitory yesterday. I am very thankful that Aiden went looking for me since he knows more passage ways then Dray does and I showed him the route I take to and from my dorm to drays dorm. He found me and helped warm me up with a spell he told me the spell was Calefacere eos witch translates to Heat them

He then goes and tells me that He will teach me a spell that heats me. He taught me that spell today its is æstus me which translates to heat me. Its funny that the spell is that simple. I am definitely packing a load of thermals next year and buying thick pjs for hogwarts. I really should of done more research  on Scotland's weather.

Anyways I am so excited that Santa is coming tomorrow night. But  I will miss Snowflake.  Wait I could write a letter and ask if they can stay just for  opening presents up. Hopefully he will say that they can. I can not wait to back so many yummy treats tomorrow  with the few that stayed here for Christmas. I am so thankful that we can go to any of the common rooms/dorms as long as we stay in the room of our gender. But McGonagall knows that I sneak in to Harry's dorms at night since she has caught  us when we where both asleep she tried to tell us that we were being inappropriate. I just used my puppy dog eyes and said that since I am an empath that its allowed since  harry is my shield  so that way I can sleep through the night and not wake up from my dormmates when they have a nightmare or are homesick.  Well I should go to Drays dorm now its getting late.


Hannah Kent

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