Twenty-First Entry

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Dear Diary,            November 12, 2017

I went to talk to Aiden today so that way I can warn him  about the megalodons   so that way he can warn his pod or any other mer's that he knows of . He  said what  that's bad when I told him. I said yes and that Triton is training my pod and that he said I can train any other mers if I want to and that I am probably one of the best fighters he has ever trained and he has trained the guard  alongside Poseidon. 

Aiden then said wait you call him Triton. I said yes why he then said that Triton is known for only allowing the people his is close to and his platonic soulmates to  I said oh it might be because he helped save me and my pod when we got captured by the scientist when we were 7-9 years old and were still learning about our powers.

 He then said WHAT. He noticed how I flinched when he yelled than he said sorry you where Seven  when you got captured .I said yay why.

 He said I am just very shocked that you where since here in the wizarding world  children are  considered very precious. I then said okay it's getting close to curfew I should head to my dorm room and get ready for bed. He then said but aren't you go to Draco's dorm room . 

I said yes but I have to take a shower/bath and change  into my pj's .He then said ah good night Hannah, I said good night aiden. Time to head to Dray's dorm now.


Hannah Kent 

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