Fifthteenth Entry

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Dear  Diary,                                                                                                      December 1, 2017

It's gotten alot colder here it's hard for me to stay awake anymore since I still haven't gotten up the courage to go ask dray if  I can sleep with him like I do at his manor  and I wish I didn't have to pretend  that I am on the "light" side when in realty I am very "dark"  and I know harry is so very "dark" but he has to pretend to be on the "light" side when he is as "dark" as me if not even more.

But our defense teacher can't teach for anything  and I have been training harry more so that way he can  defend himself  against the dursleys since I know that harry will have to be sent back because  of some stupid blood wards  there is times I am very thankful  at times like this that I can read peoples mind.

But at the same time I feel disgusted at him because he know about the abuse from the dursleys and THAT HE IS ACUTELY  PAYING THE  DURSLEYS  FOR THEM TO ABUSE HARRY  if murder wasn't illegal they would be dead seven times or more and sent to the field of punishment I have really been reading to much Greek mythology .

I will keep trying to get my courage up to go ask dray if I can sleep with him. well I should probably head to bed soon  then goodnight.


Hannah Kent

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