Hannah's backstory Part One

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[A/N This is gonna be a long ish chapter fyi. Trigger warning brief mentions of injury's/scars/experiments]

I, along with my three best friends, Mariah, Cindy, and Keith, fell into the moon pool in Japan when Mariah and I were six-years-old, Cindy was four-years-old it was November thirteenth the year was 2012.

The day after falling into the moonpool was the fourteenth, once we had gotten home safe, our parents found out about our tails when they gave us a bath together(my parents tried to give us a bath separately but it failed and led to all of us having a meltdown.

They were okay with it, because they knew that we would become mers in some way based on how our souls are. They helped us keep it a secret. For example, they would call us sick if it was going to rain.

Then Akira who at the time was seven-years-old who we have known our whole life, found out after a week when she came over. I wasn't fast enough to get us to my bedroom when water touched us, and she freaked out until we explained what had happened to us.

Afterwards, she became more protective of us than she was before, and she helped us keep it a secret at school. When her quirk came in, she would use it to help cover us and protect us when we popped our tails.

However, a year later, when Mariah and I and Keith were seven and Cindy was five, we got kidnapped by scientists and we were experimented on. I took as many of the experiments as I could alongside Keith. We learnt very fast that they would experiment on us at night. After a while we all learnt how to shut down our pain receptors. I think that's the only reason why we are still sane.

The scientist would not feed us a lot, so I would give Mariah, Cindy, and Keith the majority of the food since I had a lot of extra fat and they didn't, but they would force me to eat their portion when they were not hungry and I was badly injured. Me and Keith developed a signal to tell each other when we couldn't take anymore for now we do a sideways s on our right upper chest and the sign that says I will take over is a sideways S on the right thigh/right side of the tail.

We managed to escape after two years by then it was November Fourteenth 2015 there by combining our powers on a full moon and letting our siren sides take over. Mine is called Aqua, Cindy is Everest, Mariah's is Amber, and Keith is called Bul.

Which worked because we have such a close bond, then we used our siren songs to make them forget and delete anything they had about us, including the back ups. We went back home by using my Mist Travel, which took a lot out of me, and we passed out for a week. Cindy woke up on the second day then Mariah on the fourth then Keith on the sixth I woke up last due to me mist traveling. But we Have no clue what the siren sides did when they were in control besides that.

Akira was so worried about us. During our recovery which took two weeks I was passed out for 7 days due to using mist travel, she took care of us and wouldn't leave our side for a while she only left when she needed to shower, get food, use the restroom Keith had to convince her to sleep in her room multiple times.

I was mute for that time, until I saw how I was hurting her, and that snapped me out of it. I started talking again, and I began taking care of my pod. I had an idea that we would give each other an old scale or well feather in Akira's case to help us be able to easily track each other if we need to or to call for help if we are in danger.

Keith didn't want to give up a scale until later when he met Alex witch was later on then the both agreed to giving up a scale later on but on a different necklace then ours since they said and which I agreed with was a better balance in the scales all of our necklaces with our scales and or feather's are hidden from outsiders view.[A/n The necklaces are in the picture  in the next chapter and at the start of this one. Also Alex will be introduced in when I am 14 in My DR reality which this diary is from]

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