Twenty-Fourth Entry

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Dear Diary,                                                      December 1,2017,

Snow flake came today I thought that she would of stayed with my parents but no she wanted to come with me I am so happy yule/Christmas has official began . 

My dormmates asked who's elf on the shelf is that and we had to explain what they are to the purebloods . I said that she is mine I wasn't expecting to see her they said okay and we moved on. I went and talked to them in code that we created if I ever needed to speak to her if it wasn't safe I am so glad that when I meet Santa well north since that's his real name if snowflake could be allowed to talk to me he said no at first and then I told him well showed him that I am a mer after I told him he said snowflake can you come here and she came and was about to say what but noticed that I saw her fly and then north told her that it was okay since I said I felt Her panic.

He then said That she is allowed to talk to me but  only at night at if its just me and mom, dad and my future siblings and Mariah and Cindy and Keith. I then said what sibling he said You will see soon, that day I was so fucking happy   and today I  told her everything that happend this year so far and I have to wait until tonight for her to talk to me and ask me anything else since she knows that I refuse to read her mind . 

I then told her to meet at drays room since I know that she will know where that is since she has been around dray alot growing up. I then went and told jack that snowflake was here he was so happy to see her again he then said that I should go and talk to dray and tell him.

So I said I will wait jack I think the guardians are calling you he then said shit you are right I will be back I forgot about the meeting since I have been around you today. I then said bye see you later jack he said bye.  Well its late I should go to drays dorm and sleep.


Hannah Kent

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