Twenty- Seventh Entry

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{Translations for Greek}  (A/N The picture is of Keith and I do not own the pictures that I put in the story And the translations are from google translation.)

Dear Dairy,                                                                                                                             December 19,2017,

I wonder how Keith is doing since he had to move away when we were little wait I need to warn him about the Megalodons since he is a mer to and apart of the pod but he didn't want a scale since if we need to or he needs to he can just mind link us and he said and I quote its not time for mine to join a necklace yet. I said let me guess instinct made u say that? he said yes.. Well while I am thinking about it I'll just mind link him now.

He knows already he said and that he is in Texas right now searching for moon pools their. I said okay and to stay safe Αδελφός σε όλα εκτός από αίμα {means brother in everything but blood } he then said Αδέρφια σε όλα εκτός από αίμα {Sibling in everything but blood }. 

I also told him everything that has happend since he moved away even though we see each other every other month due to him not being able to leave Texas that often. I am so glad that I got to talk to him and that so far he is safe. 

Well I'm gonna head to drays dorm now good night diary.


Hannah Kent

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