Fourth Entry

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 Dear Diary,                                                                                                                              September 1, 2017

Today we went on boats across the lake. Thankfully I didn't fall in so that's good for me keeping my tail a secret and it seems that Harry is a wizard also known as the boy who lived.

He explained to me about how his parents really died and he asked me to heal him from the abuse from his relatives and of course I said yes in the code we created when we were younger.

But we got sorted into different houses. I am in Hufflepuff. He is in Gryffindor but he could have been placed in Slytherin I bet. I will ask if the hat wanted him in slytherin. We decided we would meet before breakfast so that I can heal as much as I can and then after breakfast we will go, see if there is secret path ways that we can use to get to and from one class/place to another quickly, and if we can find places where I can heal him more over the school year .

And why did the headmaster say the forest was forbidden and I quote "And finally, I must tell you that this year, the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a very painful death." This is a school with kids that have curiosity. oh well . Well it's a good thing that Harry is here to help me keep my secret. I should probably go to bed so that I can be well rested for school tomorrow.


Hannah Kent.

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