Eighth Entry

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Dear Diary,                                                                                                                       October 25 2017

Whelp I started my first period and I didn't have any supplies but  I went to Holly for  supplies and she helped me and brought me to her room and  she  accidentally split water  on me  then I poped my tail  and she freaked out.

Until l  sent out calming waves of emotions to her so that I could explain to her  and I told her everything about it and my distrust for Dumbledore  she said I distrust him too and I am thinking about joining  you -know -who and you can come to my room any time you would like and I will cover for you  if and when you pop your tail.

 I thanked her profusely  for that. 

Then I asked her for a towel so I can dry off and get my legs back I also told her that mer' s have soulmates and  Draco Malfoy  is my soulmate and how it is hurting me to be away from him for as longs as I have and  the dangers of  being away from him and how I want to let my self fade away or kill my self because the pain is becoming to much but I wont let myself do that because I won't hurt him or my family like that ever in my life if I can prevent that. 

Also Triton has been teaching my pod how to survive and how to fight both on land and in water  I am the best fighter in my pod  he said to us. Well I should head to bed now. Night.


Hannah Kent

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