Ghiaccio's Darling Constantly Attempting to Escape

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Tw: Abuse, Humiliation

     How can you be such a spoiled brat, you get to stay home and be waited on hand and foot while he's the one working long hours to pay for your comfort. Ghiaccio puts you above all else and gives you anything you ask for, but you insist on being difficult and ruining your quality time. Now he can't even reward you properly anymore.

     The only time you're in public is if he decides to give you a change of scenery. Ghiaccio doesn't like the thought of your being cooped up in the house for long periods of time all by yourself, that's why he takes you on long car rides and goes into the city for a good time when you behave.

     He never expects you to jump from the car when he stops at a red light. Ghiaccio honestly thought you'd given up on the escaping and fighting. He won't be mad at the impulsive decision you made, just disappointed that it's obvious you don't listen to him at all. If you did you'd have known that running from white album is practically impossible.

     Beware though, after a while of having to go through this process with you, he grows tired. Your escape attempts and constant whining about getting away from him wear him down. Ghiaccio isn't starting to give up but his gentle side starts to wash away. Dragging you into his car isn't done so carefully anymore, you're groaning from the bruising grip he uses to pull you along and will not be slowing down to prevent your legs from being painfully dragged across to concrete.

     When you're back to picking with the locks on the door and shaking the window lock with desperation, Ghiaccio isn't going to coax you away instead he'll wrap his hand around the back of your throat and throw you to the ground. Telling you to get it together before walking back to his seat.

     If you ruin the night out by acting out and running off, he has to remind you that causing a scene in public is nothing new to him. Ghiaccio is not afraid to get a nice handful of your hair or twist your wrist behind your back as he guides you towards the exit. Anyone looking to save you will win their own personal ice block to keep them from following the two of you, since they decided to play hero.

     The more you ignore his warnings to behave and continue to do what you want, the less sensitive he becomes to your comfort. Ghiaccio will stop holding back his anger and will not keep from being too harsh with you. You're clearly a hands on learner and need proof that he isn't messing around.

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