Sorbet & Gelato's Darling Beats Them

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Request: What if darling could beat up the ice cream duo? When darling finally does something that warrants punishment and they attempt to discipline them, they get their asses beat. Darling loves them dearly but just don't want the punishment since they never did anything wrong before. Would they resort to weapons or kill you for being able to evade punishments?

Author's Note: That's Exactly why Illuso doesn't want to date anybody stronger than he is 😭 he ain't trying to be humbled by his darling!

Tw: torture, abuse

    What really sucks is the fact that you're taking the fun out of being disciplined and you've threatened their control over you. Sorbet & Gelato are stunned when they're the ones getting their ass beat for trying to put you in your place for stepping out of line. Knowing that you're highly capable of beating them isn't going to sit well with them, but they won't kill you for it.

    After you humble the destructive duo they'll have a debate on the proper way to handle you moving forward, Sorbet isn't going to tolerate you walking over them just because you're stronger than they originally thought. Judging by the violent reaction to hearing that you'll be punished, your pain tolerance can't be that high. Bask in the victory while you have time because soon enough you're going to be broken, quite literally.

    You may have beat them out of fear but that beating was out of line, on top of that, you were never truly punished for your last display of disobedience. It doesn't take much force to pop your fingers out of place, after all, they snap like carrots. Sorbet will catch you by surprise when you're in his lap with your back towards him, he'll be tracing small circles on your wrist only to reach forward and snap your index finger out of place.

    The sickening 'pop' the appendage makes would've made you grind your teeth in disgust any other day, however, you're too shocked to do anything. Good luck trying to get that out of your head when this is all over. By the time you're able to react to the sudden action you'll have noticed that Sorbet gave your middle finger the same treatment, just to be safe. As you whimper at the pain from your now dislocated fingers, Gelato asks if you thought your little stunt would go unpunished.

    "I didn't want it to be this way, but you've left us no choice" Is the last thing Gelato says before balling his fist and striking your face, knocking you out of Sorbet's lap due to the excessive force. Sorbet stands to leave and you don't have time to gather yourself before the blonde is straddling your hips and pummeling you, not pulling his punches in the slightest. It'll feel as if he's been beating you for hours before the hits stop coming once Sorbet returns holding a blowtorch and a blade.

    Sorbet lets you decide what happens next, you can gain a few burn wounds or some cuts that'll need stitches. They aren't smokers so instead of lighting cigarettes and putting them out on your skin the two would use the kitchen torch to have you crying from the searing pain of the hair and skin of your forearm being burned. Of course that doesn't have to happen if you'd choose to forgo the flames and have them cut into your flesh at a gingerly pace wanting you to remember every little moment. Who am kidding, you know for a fact they're going to do both no matter what you choose.

    After being taunted and mocked for being gullible enough to believe you'd get off so easy, You'll be given proper medical attention from their crooked "friend", Cioccolata. They hate his guts but he is affiliated with Passione and is willing to turn a blind eye to their abuse. Being treated by Cioccolata feels like a punishment on its own since he's not one to be gentle with his patients.

    They'll go back to using antidepressants and barbiturates to weaken you even as you're recovering from the abuse. Sorbet wanted to give you insanely small portions of any food and water to have you suffer a while longer but luckily for you Gelato thought that'd be too risky and unnecessary. Hopefully you'll be extremely cautious and think twice before you raise your hand to them.

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