Child Confronts Them

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Request: Their child confronting them on their behavior :(

Tw: gaslighting, implied child abuse,


     It is not their place to be speaking about your marriage in the first place. How he treats you is none of their business! They are just another tool he used to get you where he wants you, they're lucky to be alive right now. Before your child can continue to voice their concern for your safety Prosciutto cuts them off and tells them to get out of his face. If they hate the way he treats you that much they could either step to him or get the hell out of his house, those are the only options. Prosciutto might go as far as ignoring the child's existence since they seem against your relationship.


     Your child would be pouring out their heart about how much they hate the way Illuso treats you like some object and how he mistreats you and Illuso would roll his eyes before walking away from their nonsense. He does not care about their feelings and he didn't ask for their input on a relationship that has nothing to do with them, in his mind at least. Since your kid hates it so much to the point of breaking down then maybe they'd be better off going to boarding school or finding their own home depending on their age. Illuso warns you to keep your weird kid away from him at all times unless they want to fight.


     He will laugh his ass off after your child tells him that he shouldn't be treating you like this or bringing up a previous incident of him being mean to you. He tells them not to worry themselves so much, he already made it clear he loves you so what is the problem? Yes, he might get ahead of himself when you are going against him in the smallest ways but what marriage doesn't have its ups and downs? Normally he'll run to cheer up his kid but right now he makes them seem like they are overthinking the situation and leaves them to think to themselves.

Cioccolata & Secco:

     Your kid is right to be concerned for your safety, Cioccolata has never hidden any of his abusive behaviors and never makes an effort to look good in front of the kid. Secco doubles down on the abuse and casually instigates problems when you are getting on his nerves. It's no wonder the child is trying to confront them, but that doesn't do much of anything in this case. Cioccolata lets them speak their mind and doesn't interrupt them as they try to step to him, at the end he just looks them in the eye and asks "what are you going to do if I don't stop?" with a smile on his face.

Sorbet & Gelato:

     The stuff they do to you whenever your child is around is pretty tame so they don't even know half of what goes on between the three of you. To see their child upset at them over that small stuff is almost funny to them because of their missing information. Gelato clenches his teeth the entire time they are talking so he doesn't accidentally laugh at them. They won't belittle them or accuse them of being delusional. Instead, they promise the child that they don't have ill intentions and aren't trying to harm you. They even admit that they can be a bit rough with you since they are quick to get excited around you but they'll be more cautious of what goes on around the child.


     He can't help himself! It's hard not to smother you with unwanted attention and follow you around everywhere even though you keep saying it makes you uncomfortable. When your child calls him out on the strange behavior he's almost shocked at how it comes off to everyone else, Melone thought he was just giving off a lovesick kind of vibe. He'll be completely honest and admit that he can't bring himself to change how he treats you since he is so in love with you. If they still complain about it then Melone offers to buy them a separate house because he'll get sick of hearing them bring it up.

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